So, it's the fault of House progressives who pass bills that two Quisling Democrat Senators openly collude with all 50 Republicans to summarily execute legislation they otherwise refuse to allow to be debated, much less voted on?

Within the House DP Caucus, a nominal majority are the kinds of pwogs you love to hate and blame for everything--the one's generating the bills Biden wants.

In the Senate DP Caucus, pwogs are few and far between, while a plurality of corporate-funded flunky "centrists" hide behind Manchin and Sinema as the meat-shields taking the flak for derailing Biden's agenda and presidency, without the inconvenience of outing themselves as Quislings as well (Tester, Frackenlooper, Bennett representing Big Oil/Gas; Kaine, Warner, Carden, Coons, Carper, Schumer representing the NYSE; Booker and Menendez representing Big Pharma/Ins).

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"So, it's the fault of House progressives who pass bills that two Quisling Democrat Senators openly collude with all 50 Republicans to summarily execute legislation they otherwise refuse to allow to be debated, much less voted on?"

Out of respect for you, I won't assume you're actually stupid enough to misread my point that completely. So I'll assume you just don't give a damn about understanding straightforward English, if doing so would force you to do the work of thinking and even re-evaluating your stances.

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Just one data point from Digby on just general economic sentiment, not this particular topic, but it is relevant (she didn't provide a link to the article so I'm not sure where this is from):

Dwindling confidence in the government also knocked sentiments. Inadequate economic policy was mentioned by 51% of surveyed adults, according to the report, marking the largest share since 2014. Pessimism toward government policy has plagued sentiments since late 2021 when it became clear the Build Back Better plan lacked a path forward. With Sen. Joe Manchin and GOP senators still opposing the social-spending package, it’s unlikely the Biden administration approves major economic policy in the near term.

So, yeah, on the BBB I think it is safe to blame conservative Democrats on this instead of progressives. And I'll just add that this is also just plain stupid politics on his behalf, assuming he cares about helping his party and his president, which is a fact very much not in evidence at this point.

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Your moniker is very apt, Sire! Though shalt not disagree with the King!

But, out of respect to you I'll just say that the current group of Democrats not upholding your #3 are conservatives like Manchin and Sinema. They have behaved extremely disrespectfully to the rest of the Democratic caucus in both chambers and told, especially, Black voters to pound sand.

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I'd like you to direct me to anyone actually stanning for Manchin or Sinema. I don't think there's anyone here who says anything more favorable about them than, they're better than Republicans. Contrast with the people who will bend over backwards to argue that, say, voting against the BIF is actually a good thing.

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As long as we’re assigning blame, let’s not forget the 50 republicans in the Senate who didn’t even pretend to negotiate in good faith democrats last year.

Despite all the pessimism, democrats actually have a decent chance to hold onto the House now that republicans have failed to gerrymander themselves into an automatic majority. But they need to get out and remind Americans how much republicans suck if they want to win.

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Oh I'm here

I read that in the voice Jenifer Lewis. Just because.

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The LA Times is not a paper worth paying attention to.

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No rain, no fires = slow news day in LA. What radical rightwingers call “progressive” or “socialist” is considered “how things work” in every other civilized country. “Moderate” Democrats are opportunists who couldn’t win their districts with an R next to their names.

I am putting myself on quotation mark probation.

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That doesn’t change the fact that not only has he destroyed everything else, but he welcomes more Republicans to the table over Democrats. He hasn’t been with Biden 95% of the time. And as much as he’s king now he doesn’t matter in 2022. The Democrats who are up for election that we need to get a willing majority to pass essential legislation will matter. There’s no senate election in West Virginia in 2022. Manchin is not even up for election.

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I'm curious what in the fuck a Russian invasion of Ukraine has to do with the topic at hand of progressive vs moderate democrats. I've seen you make this same almost boilerplate set of remarks on a few other threads the last week or so and...dude, what the hell? Did Brzezinski kill your family in front of you when you were a child and you swore an oath of vengeance? Did you fail a class over a different take on "The Grand Chessboard" from your professor? Did it sleep with your girlfriend at a frat party? Do you want to talk about it?

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Well, she DID support Russian plant Jill Stein, whose voters helped Trump win, so Sarandon DOES deserve to NEVER be forgiven.

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Well, whether people like it or not, Nancy Peloise made sure the DCCC spent as much money as they could on the moderate who was in NY-14 that AO-C ran against in the primary. The people, however made the decsision, and Pelosi had to play all kissy-face afterwards.

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Who endorsed Russian plantJill Stein.

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If we still have a democracy in 2024...

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They was a game in-between about 8 hours of bullshit at either end.

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