got it...

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I wrote my PhD dissertation on how film maker John Ford created emotional American history through his films. His icons and archetypes still have us by the throat.

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Is your dissertation available online? I've always been fascinated by the extreme extent to which popular culture, especially TV sitcoms and movies, constantly creates and maintains the institution of Bill Henrickson patriarchy. Gov. Kasich is also very similar to Bill Paxton's infuriating but very realistic embodiment of the upper middle class white male's assumption of his innate superiority to women. "Big Love" is a scathing and true presentation of the male self-delusion, destructiveness and hypocrisy that form the foundation of patriarchy. After living among the German, Dutch and English of Northwest Ohio, I'm convinced that the primary motivation of Trump's and Sen. Sander's white male supporters is a last ditch effort to save their endangered position at the top of the American cultural social order. There are no economic, political or moral beliefs that are more important to them than the preservation of the foundation of their human identity. Trump is Burl Ives as Big Daddy Pollitt or Orson Welles as Will Varner. Trump is the autocratic, profane, vulgar protector of the family linage. Sen. Sanders is Jimmy Stewart as Charlie Anderson or Fess Parker as Daniel Boone. Sen. Sanders is the patriarch who teaches and leads by his example of leading a moral, ethical and empathetic life. The most frustrating experiences of my life have been related to wives, daughters and female co-workers of such men being brainwashed to believe that it is God's will and/or the natural order that white men are superior human beings. Constantly reinforced customs and conventions are almost impossible to resist, especially in combination with tribalism, fear and bigotry.

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There are no Republican moderates. Look at how the "moderate" Republican Senators are walking lockstep with their fellow Republicans to pre-block any of President Obama's SCOTUS nominees.

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That's the million dollar question.

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We've been going to this same party since 1972, and it never gets old!

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Did he give you permission to be on the Internet?

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But who will replace him? Hopefully a good Democratic candidate is in the wings.

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“He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo.”

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My Mother always worked outside the home too. Not sure where this idea that women were sitting around in their kitchens comes from.

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He has a binder full of women.

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Plus you might get the vapors!

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Well, I wouldn't leave the house of were in a delicate condition (that means knocked up for the northern wonketteeres ) (and without planned parenthood, we'd all be too delicate for car washing, just sayin' ). Yeah, broads are into the sex is the gist of it.


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He's clinging to the 'two spheres in influence' foisted on middle class women to keep them chattel. Only middle and upper class urban women were 'stay at home moms' and they had extensive staffs of servants. The whole fantasy is dependent on ignoring the ocean of servants and maids who worked outside their homes to make the middle class home function.

(There's a good thesis...is there a relationship between 'women as chattel' social bullying and competition for labor in post war economies.)

Post WWII, women like my mother were forcibly ejected from the work force and locked in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

Their daughters (self included..) demanded birth control and the right not to subordinate our lives to a wayward sperm. We refused to see the phallus as sacred. Or special.

Nasty backlash.... Ask Clinton. Witch hunts were back with a vengeance. White Christian males who could compartmentalize Blacks as gladiators could not bear this additional assault on their divinity. Unnatural women, wanton sinners...the script was already locked and loaded. And the gender wars went hot as abortion clinics were bombed and providers were lynched. Death to terrorize is lynching, just as witches hung at Salem were killed as sacrifices to appease the Christian god. Lynch is an intent, not a noose.

My brother's daughters cosplay. In their universe, what you look like is just a form to decorate in a million different ways.

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. - Gandhi

My niece is an eligible voter in Ohio. Kasich's worst nightmare. 425

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Ahem, you mean Harvest Gold, and you left out Coppertone.

--an Old

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Mother Jones, Labor leader

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