Key to a happy marriage.

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The republicans do not have a single candidate in any race including the one for POTUS that I would vote for.

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I, too, am in favor of surgically joining them together.

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What? I was informed that Australia was the only place that would survive WW3.

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Kasich needs to go home and do his job as Governor or Quit & return his taxpayers money. He would have to get 106% of the remaining delegates to be the nominee.

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Just trust that Kasich and his fellow GOP rulers know what’s best for them, and everything will be fine.

Just substitute "X" for "Kasich", and that is probably the most succinct description of the Republican political playbook ever written, in the entire history of human civilization.

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Just take a page out of Former President Muntu's playbook, I'm sure it exists.(even if he hit rock bottom shortly afterwards)

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Can't we just be done with all these folks. With votes if needed.

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Yeah nice, TRY, Kasich, but the "moderate Republican" position has already been taken by Hillary.

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Moderates don't defund Planned Parenthood.

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Speaking as a former Republican now in recovery (tried to come up with a snazzy acronym, but failed miserably. Dammit!), this is a very true statement. Saint Ronnie would be dismissed as a squishy RINO.

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This is where Drumpf's inexperience with dirty tricks national presidential politics really works against him. He is running a wonderful one-man show. His success in the primaries with as little staff and few state operations as he has is nothing short of amazing. However, the real delegate selection as Ron Paul taught us -- gee isn't he disappointed in ol' Rand Paul -- it is the state party conventions where delegates are selected and if you play by the rules you can win 6% of the vote and take 90% of the delegates.

The only remaining question is, is anyone smart enough and organized enough to do so?

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The Worst Wing?

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Kasich is no moderate, FFS.

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Mein Furher!!! I can walk!!https://www.bing.com/images...

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Screw him and the SB5 he rode in on...

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