What about taking a deep breath?

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Hankuna your tatas, America.

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Would it be wrong to hope Roger Waters punches Kasich in the balls and David Gilmore dope-slaps him (Kasich), thereby causing the two to resume their creative relationship.

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Yeah, those *awful* Gay Lions, who have this deeply weird belief that there's something in some legal document that's called the "NO ESTABLISHMENT" clause....


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Maybe just before shouting "Fuck you, Kasich."

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If you're Jewish and someone is trying to exterminate you, don't get over it. They have rights. Just let them try to kill you and you walk away. We don't need laws against that. Murderers have feelings too and they are just as valid as yours.

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Well, he convinced me. If I were American I'd definitely vote for candidate, because reasons!

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Be fair - it has been pretty good for defense contractors too.

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He better be saving his money. After the election he won't be able to get a job as either a pundit or at one of those right-wing 'think' tanks. Maybe he should look at pizza franchises.

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I hate this fool. He just defunded Planned Parenthood in Ohio. And people view him as a moderate? POS.

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Why ISN'T this guy the front runner? Oh, yeah. Rino crap like this....

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So now there's "common sense compassionate conservatism"? Isn't that like a 4-way mutual exclusivity? A malapropamalopropalism? An oxymoron with extra oxy atoms?

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"I believe that religious institutions ought to be protected and be able to be in a position of where they can – they can, you know, live out their – their deeply held religious purposes."

Yeah we sure do know. And by "purposes" didn't you mean "beliefs"? No I think you said what you meant, Except that by "religious" you meant "fuck the gays"(except not in a gay way)"

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Equal opportunity horndog

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Right on. I read the article to see in what world this jerk would be considered moderate. He seems moderate only if you use a psycho like Cruz as an example of extreme Being a polite asshole doesn't make you a moderate, it simply makes you a polite asshole..

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