You beat me to it! I'd successfully forgotten about the hidden kindergarten records! And to think he was elected without those vital documents being released.

What has our nation come to exactly?

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From the website:

"The Congress has failed him when he wrote letters as a soldier to Congress people asking for a Congressional Inquiry into Obama's exact legal identity like that same Congress investigated John McCain. The Congress did nothing."

Congress investigated John McCain? I know his friends in the Senate and House pushed through what amounted to a private bill stating that Mr. McCain is a US Citizen eligible to be President of these United States.

I'm not sending money to the Terry Lakin Action Fund. In Leavenworth brig he's going to get all the action he can handle.

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"ramming it down our throats" is how Repubicans and TP'ers explain democratically enacted laws.

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So allow me to summarize it this way: if you're one of the stranded holiday travelers who are in favor of more government involvement with our lives, I'm deeply sorry for your inconvenience; if on the other hand, you're in favor of less government, please let me call you a taxi so you can pay a thousand bucks to get the fuck out of here.

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Good god, there'd be no end to the cardiac arrests resulting from so many whales trying to shovel snow.

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Given how notoriously <a href="http:\/\/tpmlivewire.talkingpointsme...\/2010\/12\/breaking-study-finds-fox-news-viewers-are-the-most-misinformed.php" target="_blank">misinformed most Fox viewers</a> are, I doubt most conservatives could answer those 4 questions, either.

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Why yes, it is - you just need to go to your Quiet Place until you feel better...

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Because people who need things like food and shelter are lazy while rich people are hard-working, QED.

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Backlogged airlines, stranded passengers, $900 cab rides home. And yet, when someone even mentions the words "high-speed rail, like they have in Europe and Japan" we say "no thanks, our system works just fine for us." <i> WTF?</i>

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Malkin on Michelle Obama's desire for less obese children:<i> ... school bake sales are already under siege, and Mrs. Obama’s childhood-obesity task force has already called for new and dramatic controls on the marketing of unhealthy foods.</i>

Damn it! If people can't buy unhealthy foods then the terrorists have won. Corn syrup coated breakfast cereal is one of the basic rights of Americans and school kids need the sugar rush of that Twinkie to learn how to be compliant worker bees.

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I was at one of the nation's airports shortly after Snowpocalypse ended. People were confused, getting shuffled around from gate to gate, customer service agents were announcing "we don't know shit, ladies and gentlemen" on the p.a. system. Well, they weren't saying that verbatim, but practically!

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The birf'er site sez Obama hasn't released:<blockquote>Passport records, Obama <strong>kindergarten records</strong>, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records</blockquote>The big secret is in his kindergarten thesis: "While America Napped".

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Malkin goes Lovelace: <blockquote>After ramming a trillion-dollar package of unconstitutional federal health mandates down our throats....</blockquote>I'm picturing a package getting rammed down Malkin's throat ... oh ... oh ... oh.

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that's one big yule-ful season of crazy up there benjamin. may you have a well adjusted 2011.

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I f it were good for America it would have been built by the rich by now. It is so simple unless you think about it.

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