I don't like to get into the middle of marital fights. You need to consult a certified marriage and dessert counselor before your marriage unravels completely.
This, of course, has come after TWO kiss and make up sessions with Fox News, due to how the two entities feed off each other like two ticks 69ing on a dog’s belly.
I love it! These two ticks should take a minute between their mutual fellating and realize that without each other providing the oxygen and blood from Megyn's whatever, they are nothing. Come on, you crazy kids, make up again.
This made up drama is about as real as professional wrestling- and about as tedious and boring. The sad part is how many people buy into this crap. All Trump and Ailes are doing is running through an old script they borrowed from Vince McMahon in order to keep both their brands front and center and the talk of yet another news cycle. And the rubes eat it up- now we know what happened to all the idjits who would spend hundreds of dollars at WWE events and insist that it's all real, years after even the WWE had admitted it was choreographed. Don't be surprised if by Iowa, Megyn Kelly is hitting Teh Donald over the head with a folding chair on live TeeVee.
I don't have time to read all the comments right now, so I'm just going to leave this here: http://nymag.com/daily/inte... Thus far, a decent read.
I love sorbet. And after BOTH Caesar salad and pizza, you'll need its palate-cleansing wonderfulness, IMHO.
Next thing, he'll stick her pigtails in the ink stand.
I can't tell the difference between taylor ham and Canadian bacon, either. Growing up in Sussex County, we didn't speak with a "Jersey accent."
We need a fiscally responsible (TM) Republican President to solve this terrible problem.
They always refer to myself in the Third Person Plural.
I don't like to get into the middle of marital fights. You need to consult a certified marriage and dessert counselor before your marriage unravels completely.
This, of course, has come after TWO kiss and make up sessions with Fox News, due to how the two entities feed off each other like two ticks 69ing on a dog’s belly.
I love it! These two ticks should take a minute between their mutual fellating and realize that without each other providing the oxygen and blood from Megyn's whatever, they are nothing. Come on, you crazy kids, make up again.
I have never heard a candidate whine so much about unfairness and demand so many apologies. Pissy little bitch indeed.
funny thing is, last time they did that we gots us some Obama :)
"He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country"
Mildly off topic. Did anyone else notice that Curly Finarama is getting a McNutz lump on her jaw? Could swear I saw that on a Sunday "news" show.
it's a collective temper tantrum
This made up drama is about as real as professional wrestling- and about as tedious and boring. The sad part is how many people buy into this crap. All Trump and Ailes are doing is running through an old script they borrowed from Vince McMahon in order to keep both their brands front and center and the talk of yet another news cycle. And the rubes eat it up- now we know what happened to all the idjits who would spend hundreds of dollars at WWE events and insist that it's all real, years after even the WWE had admitted it was choreographed. Don't be surprised if by Iowa, Megyn Kelly is hitting Teh Donald over the head with a folding chair on live TeeVee.
So we can add "humble" to the long list of words Trump doesn't understand, but thinks he does.