I love the smell of Republican despair in the morning.

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Want some MORE flailing right wing schadenfreude? Of course you do.

The Australian state of New South Wales has local government elections coming up. Many candidates are unaligned, but some are officially aligned with the major political parties. In that case, the party takes care of the paperwork to get them on the ballot.

Or is supposed to.

The right wing Liberal party MISSED THE DEADLINE TO LODGE THE NOMINATIONS. Not one single Liberal candidate is registered in the entire state. That includes long term incumbents in senior council positions. Over 160 potential candidates are left hanging.

The Electoral Commission says sorry, rules are clear, nothing we can do. The party was initially talking about legal action to force an extension, but have now announced they're not going to.

It's simultaneously hilarious (because FUCK the Liberal Party in general and the NSW branch in particular) and horrifying. How the FUCK does this happen???

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Ta, Marcie. M4L's honeymoon is over. Ours continues, and is glorious.

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The Republican electoral strategy seems to have shrunk to finding an overlooked area of elected offices and flood the zone with their crap. It works great for one, maybe two, elections. Then people catch on, the reactionaries overplay their weak hand, and they get tossed out on their ear.

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Careful! Sounds like you're getting mighty close to a *dialectical* theory of history! /s

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I'll happily celebrate any and all victories. Thanks Marcie.

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It's like DeSantis' abortion actions "woke"-up the Dems in Florida. They're not going to take any more,

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There's a lot of people who just don't want to even THINK about politics like... at all. They want to do their thing and live their lives and not get caught up in the sportsball ideology of political back and forth.

But these people are also women, and/or sometimes married to women, and watching the OB/GYNs flee Florida and other red states is probably forcing them to reevaluate their political apathy.


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I'd be so infuriated by all these meaningless shenanigans while my home and auto insurance rates were going through the roof and absolutely no one in Sarasota apparently gives a single fuck.

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I'm not sure there's much that can be done about the homeowner's insurance given that Florida is a hurricane terror zone and climate change is only going to make it worse, short of government subsidies. Our insurance rates in Georgia have climbed a bit too, because the value of the house itself tripled stupidly. (No. our house is not worth 300K. It was a clearance rack sale for 110K in 2010 and while it has good bones, it's still just a starter cottage that has only had modest upkeep work done. Real estate is STUPID.)

But the car insurance increases? That's just pure greed under the excuse of "inflation."

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Everything Putz-in-boots touches dies

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gee, it's almost like DeSantis went too fast too far in his pursuit of beating Texas for who can be the most ass-backwards authoritarian nightmare.

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I don't think he was a M4L candidate, but a current teacher at The Villages Charter School won the race for Sumter County Schools Superintendent. His campaign bragged about being "anti-woke" and that he led the Charter School's Turning Point USA chapter. The fucking old retirees around here elected him with a 50.4% to 38.9% margin over his ( also Republican ) opponent, the son of the long-time schools superintendent who's retiring.

I guess he just said thge magic words for the MAGAt oldz around here, and fuck the kids

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I haz such a sad for Moms for Fascism.

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You also forgot Miami’s Luisa Santos maintaining her seat against a Moms for Liberty candidate in Kimberly Beltran. And Mary Blanco, who DeSantis appointed, is in a run off with the amazing Max Tuchman.

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Lots of fart noises in this one. Me likee.

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Ron Desantis, the malignant toad.

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Vance still running with "Walz lies!"....let's see how that goes as the running mate of PAB...

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way to go, florida!

moms for education!

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4 points is a nut we can make! All the upside is for Kamala.

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Hell, if the Villages is going for Kamala ....

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This is a year for a true 50-state strategy.

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convention bounce + debate bounce + his increasing drooling incoherence + his proposed SocSec cuts = 5 POINTS AT LEAST

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Peeps forget that Shitler still has THREE more criminal trials and a sentencing to look forward to. I want to see him humiliated by a landslide loss, then he is sentenced to prison, and he fking dies there. A girl can dream.

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"Make it so"

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"40 States and a District"~!

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