All the way to Atlanta, at any rate. I got dibs on "Bill Sherman & the Barn Burners."

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On the bright side, at least one of these dimwits is hoping for a "peaceful solution."

That's a good thing, right?

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Exercise and nutrition...the Left's evil plan for world domination and elimination of the Tea Party Patsies. Hey wait, that could actually work, you guys.

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So did I, and now I teach high school. Go figure. However, I make a point of telling kids that the morans who tell them that they are the best years of their life are idiots, so there's that.

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Paid what he's worth, then?

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There's something called "American Thinker" ? And the guy who writes it has the same name as the way morons spell moron, and this story posted more than an hour ago and nobody's brought that up yet? You people are slipping.

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"She doesn’t know our kids.”

Unlike every other graduation speaker in history.

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If by "Wingnut Fertility Center" you mean an old gym sock . . . yes.

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That's the "How dare the Obamas do things like every white politician and politician's wife in the history of the country?!" file.

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Seriously, <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/List_of_people_from_Kansas" target="_blank">the pickings really are woefully slim. </a>

Kansas has the Kochroaches to their credit. Also Charlie Parker and Langston Hughes, and the other Joe Walsh, but I bet they never got many invitations. Mostly, Kansas produces batallions of sportsballers.

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History's greatest monster.

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<i>So what horrible Marie Antoinette-style outrage is Michelle Obama perpetrating upon the good people of U.S. America this week?</i>

Gay Marxist Freemason foot soldiers for New World Order. As usual.

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Many years ago my sister offered me the theory that for some people, high school is the high point of their life. This made me sad. But it's true.

I had no interest in purchasing a high school graduation ring. In three months I'd be in college (and not, thankfully, Viet Nam!).

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