Oh, so protecting women and girls from sexual assault by cishet males is important. Is that in ALL circumstances? Or only this one, which MY WORD WHAT A COINCIDENCE involves shitting on transgirls and women? How are you working to protect women from sexual assault when they are outside of bath and change rooms? Oh, you aren't? Fancy that.

Recognise this attitude for what it is and call it out whenever you see it. This is transphobia concern-trolling as a desire to protect women's safety. This is the "All lives matter" of trans rights.

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It bears repeating.

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That comes later, unless they go in the 'other' order...

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"Nose" hehehehehe...

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Don't forget to breathe...

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Why is the gay agenda always shoved "down someone's throat"?

Instead of...

Well, you know.

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MLK has ghost disowned Alveda from the grave....in fact, this is proof ghosts don't exist because he'd totally be harassing that bitch right now.

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That was....awesome. You sir are ready to comment on Youtube, go forth with your wisdom.

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Watch out, Montanians! We all know that allowing rights to a group of people makes their disease MORE communicable, so the gay will be infecting you any moment now!

No more hiding those Secret Gay Thoughts once the gubberment decides to poke its nose in!

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I'd wait a week or so - they're bound to do something stupid enough to wind up right back on the "Dead To Me" list.

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Not really on topic, but I'd like to express my appreciation for the marketing guru who had the balls-out audacity and honesty to pick that name for that product.


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Leave it to liberals to always be thinking about their turgid love muscles and guys bending over to receive it....we wingnuts NEVER think about these things while alone. In our bunks, or on the couch when the wife who we rarely sex up is sleeping. We also do not think about this in graphic terms and then spread our fantasies, er thoughts on liberal blogs who judging by their comments have several gay male commentators. We also never harass those commentators with graphic description of how we assume their sex lives work while calling them depraved. Also, you will never find us having a profile on grindr but if we do it is there for 'educational' purposes. What I am saying is we wingnuts are totally 100% butch straight.

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Conservatives like it rough.

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In the case of GOP staffers, I'd say it's $$$ issues.~

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Democrat and female! Wyoming!https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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