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J.J.s Gravy. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

Stuff does look like vomit though...

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Most of the state calls us The People's Republic of Missoula these days.

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True enough in theory, but not a single person I know ever had one, or had a problem because of it.

I think they are largely used in tracing stolen bikes.

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<a href="http://wonkette.com/475647/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://wonkette.com/475647/meh-montana-gops-barac...">http://wonkette.com/475647/...

Do I now owe the editrix moar clix for using Wonkette materials?

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Don't get me wrong, I'll be the very first in line to mock my adopted homestate for our rednecks, crazies, loons, and idiots.

I just have to point out that we are here too, fighting the good fight, with our two term Lieberal Gov, and our two Lieberal Sens (Even if one of them is Max Baucus).

Take THAT Mississippi!

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No. The eco-terrorists put them all out of business. Fuckin' Hippies! <a href="http://missoulian.com/uncat..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://missoulian.com/uncategorized/article_8a291...">http://missoulian.com/uncat...

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I hadn't heard of the Berkeley pit. The idea of an environmental disaster as a tourist attraction hurts my eyes open.

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i wondered this in my wandering days (two years ago) as well. there was no answer so i just decided to fuck it and change the channel. (as i was miserable and clearly angry about my life, no one ever stopped me. seriously, i doubt anyone would - even if you weren't radiating bile....)

tv in the lobby and the rental car. set all the sirius stations to french.

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And now I see that <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Frank_Little_%28U.S._Trade_Unionist%29" target="_blank">Frank Little</a> was lynched in Butte for union organizing. I think I'll cross it off my list of places to visit, despite the smokestack.

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What a great guy.

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It's probably totally illegal, but when the sheriff arrests the FBI guy the Feds can stop delivering social security checks for an hour or two and the Montanianites will drag him out of the state with their Rascals.

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Mebbe - want the recipe? Fraternity isn't a necessary ingredient.

Start with 2 new 32 gallon garbage cans. Build a cross-hatched protection/support structure about 3 feet high out of 2x4s, snugly around the can so some idiot doesn't knock it over and ruin everybody's night. Put 1 can in to the other (for support - 1 can bulges too much). Place both these cans in the structure ... lemme know if ya want the rest.

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Missoula, I know it well... from <i>A River Runs Through It</i>.

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My experience with Montana (as mentioned above I read, and thoroughly enjoyed <i>A River Runs Through It</i>) made it seem clear that real Montana-ans look down on sheep farmers. Just sayin'.

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But think of all the sideboob we'd be missing out on. HuffPoo would lose a entire section of their interweb presence...

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