You me, and 65 million others.

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Or Thomas Keller Oreos (TKOs).http://positively-smitten.c...

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Yes! They are awesome!

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These guys can't afford $125 permit and a one-off insurance premium, yet they have lawyers on retainer?

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I bet they won't take 1200 empty soda cans either.

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Did Hitler let paperwork stop him at the beer hall putsch? I'm starting to think these Montana nazi's are just not serious.

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Don't forget the additional 65 million, who, while being fucking assholes with their "they're just the same" and "I just don't like her for some reason," at least didn't vote for him, either.

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How sweet of them to try & get youngsters to join their fun hate group by dressing Picachu as Hitler. Also, I love that rather than tell the truth (they didn't pay permit fees), they blamed the ACLU instead. Charming...

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That's why they can't afford the permit, I guess.

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I saw folks in my neighborhood riding around on bikes to catch 'em all. A parent I know drives her kid around in the car to play. There are work arounds to your problem. However, at a minimum, you'd have to climb your stairs.

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My husband and I have been married, happily, for over 30 years, and we barely argue about anything (other than our heartbreakingly troubled young adult son), and the only completely enraging, unresolved argument we have ever had and still have is that I (whose father barely escaped the Nazis on the Kindertransport,while his own mother was deported to Auschwitz (she somehow survived), and who lost the rest of his family to the slaughter, as did my mother) fundamentally believe with every fiber of my being that Nazis should permanently lose any kind of right to "free speech," anywhere, while he (a (lapsed) lawyer who believes in fairness, and whose parents both enlisted and served in WW2, but both families were comfortably ensconced in the US) insists that they should not. HE IS WRONG

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I have no idea what this is, but there already exists a really hard working, dedicated, long-experienced anti-hate organization, called the Anti Defamation League. They need your support. Support them. http://www.adl.org/

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I too would encourage that. Frostbite & heat stroke for all the Nazis!

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That and their bail and child support.

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Innumeracy is a serious condition folks.

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