Failing upwards, perhaps, $$$...?

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Not yet, but working on it... Taxpayers paying for that no matter what...

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Word salad, likely potato salad. I laughed the first time I heard him speak. Not just the incomplete sentences, but the high-pitched and whispery voice. Definitely didn't have my mother.

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Thanks so much for sharing this. At bare minimum we must ratify the ERA.

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Hitlers playbook;

Cause distrust in elections ✔️Cause distrust in the free press✔️Cause distrust in government agencies and institutions ✔️Find a marginalized group of people to blame on society’s problems and rally the base to eliminate them✔️

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If logic prevailed, men would ride side-saddle.

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EVERYONE has "symptoms of" depression at some point or another.Lots of people have BPD traits as as those disorders are spectrum disorders.Conservatives are painfully stupid and irredeemably ignorant and have just as many LGBTQ kids as any other demographic

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What Christopublicans do the moment they are allowed any leeway at all to do so at anyone. Of course the Nazis are right there with them, they're what the Right really are.

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"Our commitment to promoting inclusivity and intellectual exploration remains, but not in violation of law."

H. D. Thoreau Does One Complete Revolution.

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On the board of Faux Noise, so yes, $$$.

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"it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

Every time one of you Wonkettes ends an article like this, the people who are actually under threat from this fascist movement - i.e. trans people, i.e. not the Wonkette writers who are so glibly saying that - hear: there is only pain to come. Probably armed mobs, possibly the camps. Might as well off yourself now.

I wonder if any of you - except Dok - actually talk to trans people about the effects of your terrifying, dead-end framing. If it is going to get WORSE than trans people actually being made illegal to exist in public - why not just go where there is no pain, and avoid the rush?

Is what you are really telling me is that you have already decided that there is nothing that you liberal cis allies can do to stop things getting worse for us? That we just have to suffer the mobs and the camps and hope it won't last forever? I am trying to get it through to you that many people like me will not survive what is happening right now, and we certainly won't survive it "getting a lot worse". This is not acceptable, and I don't think it's inevitable. I think a lot of you want to believe it's inevitable so you can feel better about standing by and watching your trans neighbors literally die, because who wants to risk anything for a bunch of gender freaks, huh.

Fascism is only winning at the moment because the liberal-to-moderate majority are not prepared to suffer to put it back in its box. What MLK said about white liberals certainly seems to apply to cis liberals right now - imagine if someone had told him in 1963 "racism is probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better".

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Congratulations, Montana, you are now the Nazi Bar.

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If today's Republicans were in charge in the 1940s, those KKK rallies would have been bigger, and our government would have welcomed Hitler with open arms.

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Actually the Nazi movement was quite popular in the USA in the 1930s However, German Nazis who visited felt that the racism practiced in the USA was a bit too extreme. Real fact

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Steaming pile of rhino shit?

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“Walsh, a father of six, is a fan of saying it would be a "fate worse than death" to have transgender kids, and that he'd "rather be dead" than for that to happen. He's doing this because it's Pride month.”No Matt, you repugnant piece of moldy, festering excrement, a transgender child having you for a “father” would be a “fate worse than death”. I pray to the great mysterious that it never happens.

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