seems like that should be slightly illegal. if voting day is the 25th, at 8pm, wouldn't the polls be closed? it would appear she was telling you to vote after the election was over. i'm sure that was just a slip of the tongue. right into deep shit.

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http://www.dailykos.com/sto... Gianforte looking forward to tax cut he would get from destruction of ACA.

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Most of us prefer the term naturist, Personally I prefer nudist for the shock value.

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Crap! why does every moronic story begin with "Florida man....(Rhetorical question, as I moved back there 8 years ago.)I think my favorite one was the guy that got drunk and ran over himself after his truck rolled into some poor person's house.

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They cheat first thing. It would never occur to them to run a straight campaign.

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The Western one are ex-Confederate descendants as well. Their ancestors were just smart enough to bail when the Southern economy collapsed post-war. In the day they were sometimes called "Galvanized Yankees" a thin veneer of American over a mass of Rebel. All they ever lost in the ensuing decades was some of the accent.

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Followed by American History.

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They figure their people are that stupid, so the other side must be worse. Basic error of sociopathy.

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To borrow from Dok:


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"...but if there were he'd be white."

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Still do.

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A leap year would make it February 31st.

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Exactly! Plausible deniability is a GOTP common trait.

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I prefer IOKiffYAR,iff = if and only if

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The future is goddamn female.

Give him hell, lady.

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As much as I am heartened by her candidacy, the stupidity of Oregon's 2nd is legendary. These are the same people who voted for Wes Cooley.

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