Boycott time. And we need better boycott tools. I would suggest rolling targets, a few corporations at a time, to concentrate fire so to say. Apps, obviously, to make it easy. Boycotts in the second degree, where corporations doing business with first degree corporations refusing to observe restrictions in the state are targeted. Sanctions on Russia might be a good model.

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No hell hot enough. They can't get there soon enough

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"with no provision for parents to instruct schools to use the child's preferred pronouns"

So parental rights are no longer a thing to Republicans? Did they get a new memo?

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House Majority Leader Sue Vinton (R) objected to that, saying that her caucus "will not be shamed."their entire platform is shaming others into compliance.

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They’ve made discrimination against people like Zooey 101% legal.

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It's Montana, what are you going to boycott?Registration of high value cars by out-of-state residents avoiding California taxes?

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I know we're way beyond Godwin at this point, but it's worth noting that this is exactly how Jews, Roma, and other groups gradually lost their rights in Nazi Germany. Eventually there was no concern about constitutional rights, because anything you did to them was legal.

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You best be civil while we deny your humanity, strip you of human rights, and kill your friends.

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Glacier NP and lots of skiing in MT, tourism is where this could start to hurt them.

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Many possibilities. They export from the state. It's a profit center for some corporations, even if a small one. Much of this is a question of symbolic actions, but with a chance that they eventually yield real-world gains. For example you could boycott say Avis unless they cease operations there. Use your fantasy

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“ while deliberately misgendering Zephyr in both the tweet and the attached press release”

Honestly, FUCK these people. Her name is Zooey. She looks like a woman. Not that anyone needs to justify their womanhood with their name or appearance, but my point is you have to go out of your way to not recognize her as a woman. Being an asshole takes more effort here than just being a decent person.

Not that any Republican would care, but misgendering and deadnaming people causes real harm to trans people. They’re intentionally inflicting pain and they’re proud of it. Seriously, fuck these people.

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Conferences and events

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I still think transphobia is partly rooted in the fear that white conservatives won't be able to tell if the person in front of them is inferior as a woman or superior as a man. Or that there's anything redeeming in knowing who you are. If they knew who they were, they couldn't live with themselves.

Ursula K. LeGuin, answering a question about what her book The Left Hand of Darkness was about, remarked, "What is the first thing we ask about a baby?"

What would be so if that didn't matter?

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This will end with Pogroms if they're not stopped. Remember Matthew Sheppard? Does anybody want to bet long odds that these monsters will eventually write laws recognizing "trans panic" as a criminal defense for murder?

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Do hands next. “All hands have five fingers. Nothing else is biological possible.”

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I hear that they were very big on decorum in 1930s Germany.

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