As always, the question is not "did the Earth experience something like this in the past", because yes, it usually did.But rather, "will the human species still be around in the aftermath?"

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Peoplke are talking about it more and more.

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Huma libelz!11!

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Well, if your motherboard is air-cooled, you will need an atmosphere to provide air for your cooling fans.As long as the methane part is kept below flashpoint (and that will take truly heroic efforts from the human race to raise methane that high), you should be fine indeed.

(I took the idea from an episode of the webcomic Freefall)

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I'm asking all Democrats

Err, did you forget half the politicians? Or is it the official disclosure that the GOP doesn't amount to anything anymore?

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Well, anatomically, this was a brain, before the onset of brain spurs.

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Yep. He already didn't paid for a previous visit.

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You sometimes also see the short form, 18 (same thing, replace the numbers by the letters)Well, if it's a Canadian wearing a red (or white) shirt with 18 on it, don't blast him, he is just a fan of Maurice Richard "the Rocket".

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People don't stay and die where they are. They migrate.

Uh, sometimes the NYT is publishing some deep truths. The editor-in-chief must have been back home.

Think of all the problems which will be solved if these selfish people stayed where they were and let themselves die/be killed./s

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There is a meme circulating among some alt-truth/alt-med circles (Alex Jones, Mike Adams...), that mass shootings are caused by psychiatric meds.When in reality, most shooters were either off or never on drugs.

But you can see how "taking your meds make you a sissie" is just another form of the same BS.

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Sorry, dude has proven himself as a danger to others, even if it because of his TBI, he needs to be locked up in a Ward.

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Because it ain't about the flag at all. It's about men of color who have influence in our culture demanding justice for other men of color who have little influence.

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With respect, I agree with you completely about nationalism, but not about patriotism. A nationalist has all the evils you cite. A patriot says “My country right or wrong; when right keep it right, when wrong fix it.”

An American identity, even though some of the associated ceremonies seem arbitrary, is not a bad thing. It is especially useful when we have to work together to fix America’s issues, like voting Trump out of office and retaking the Senate.

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UGHHHHHAnd, apologies for the off-topic nature; but of course the wars in the Middle East (starting with BushCo, Version 1.0) are primarily about Oil, not our "freedoms" (well, freedom to retain access to underpriced gasoline, so people can drive to the mall in trucks/SUVs that get obscenely sh*tty mileage).

That trope that we're there fighting terrorism (an ism) for our freedom is not exactly the whole story. And, as has been the case for nearly a century, we pretty much set the stage that bred anti-American sentiment.

I feel for the folks who enlisted, since so many did it under the false pretense of wanting to help/serve. These bullshit wars leave off an even greater stench than the debacle of Vietnam. And that knowledge probably doesn't help some of our vets when they're dealing with PTSD and other life-altering issues if they figure it out. I can't help but think some of them understand on some level that they were duped, but can't process it and so they, say, take it out on a kid who doesn't remove his hat during our crappy anthem (I've always like America The Beautiful--less bomby and boomy).

Believe me, I'm in no way defending this guy--I definitely agree with another poster who mentioned he probably should have been/should be monitored by family or something. Throwing a kid? WTF

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This is perfect.

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There should be zero leniency for this dangerously violent sociopath. I don't buy that it was the brain injury that caused this and even if it did it's not an excuse to let this animal run around loose.

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