OK, but in this case, the lack of home internet wouldn't be a factor, since the info that line refers to would be coming from state HHS. But it *would* be very costly.

The home internet gap would be a huge problem for people trying to keep their health coverage, though.

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It amuses me that "cowboy" is viewed in such a positive light here in America. During the cowboy era, "cowboy" was an insult that would likely get you punched out. Think about what it literally means. They were "ranch hands", or "hands" for short.BTW, "cowboy" sometimes has that sort of meaning in America, also too. But it is more like "so wild and without regard for consequences that he does more harm than good".

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Animals are the best people.

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can't republcans start this work requirement bs with the President first?

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I have never not had one, so yeah, I agree.

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Joke if you will, but Philip Jose Farmer's "Riders of the Purple Wage" details the story of just such a slacking artist whose streetgang even goes by the name "young radishes."

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I'm not a dog person, but she looks like a sweetie.

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Yay work requirements for Medicaid! Which (if I'm not mistaken) is for sick people. Bunch of slackers think their health problems are like a doctor's note to not work? Fuck 'em! There's gotta be something they could do! They could maybe censor letters from their hospital beds or something.

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Lovely. I wish we got to Paris while Mrs. H's cousin was there teaching at the American School. It would have been nice to have someone who could tell you which corner cafe at a given intersection was the best.

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I have an idea. Let this asshole have his heath coverage be medicaid and let him fill out all the paperwork and shit he's asking others to do. Then let him get some nasty infection and try to USE this wonderful healthcare. My money says he and his family won't be too fucking happy with the service they get.

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As she should be

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Let's give a listen to that famous English moralist, Alfred P. Doolittle:


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I was told, prior to my birth, my father wanted to name me Eric. For some reason, he got overruled. Thanks, Mom!

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Meh. That's what the secretary/mistress is paid for.

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But but 'Executive Time' is totally work! Executives! Work!

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