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I can't see any reason why even militia types would object to any of this...unless they're actually thinking of going all Travis Bickle. So...there's one big fat red flag with a simple litmus test.

On the safe storage clauses though: I'm actually in favor of requiring that bothgunz and children should be locked up, even if only one element is present. But that's just me.

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The militia types are automatic red flags for paranoia and many other serious personality disorders.

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Ask them how. You don't understand. Please, help me learn.

Sealion for good.

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It blows my mind they thought that. The superiority of a professional standing army over civilian militia was recognised in ROMAN times, FFS. Maybe even earlier in other parts of the world, but certainly in the West it's been known that a trained, professional standing army is very likely to beat a milling rabble of armed civilians.

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It would be good if we could rank them by rapey-ness.

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I remember a story from the 80's in my local paper. This guy was watching his kids, three between the ages of three and five. They were watching cartoons on a console TV next to the front door. He kept a loaded shotgun on top of the TV for protection.

Well, Dad figured it would be okay to duck down to the corner for a pack of cigarettes because they were engrossed in the cartoons. The last thing he said when he went out the door was, "Don't none of you touch that," pointing at the shotgun.

Hilarity did not ensue.

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I can get behind this. We could organize big groups with bullhorns to shout down Republicans at their rallies. Remember, we're the ones who invented flash mobs, not them.

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What I think really keeps Sanders living rent-free in certain people's heads is that he happened to expose the neoliberal fallacy of incrementalism all at once without actually meaning to

He got Trump elected by refusing to concede, using sexist attacks against Hillary, starting that fucking rigged shit, and in particular his Rovian bullshit about how Mr Named Four Post Offices was the champion of health care.

He is one of the critical reasons Trump won.

He is the reason Trump was elected.

This is his god damn Supreme Court. And you are so busy pissing on the tent you can not give a single fuck about the people inside who are literally dying because of that court.

And you fuckers who worked so hard to make it happen think you are decent goddamn people.

you lose again at some point.At least you acknowledge that you are the fucking enemy of Dems, MAGA troll.

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break on through to the other side, yeah

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I got diverted off the freeway due to construction in a town I wasn't real familiar with, missed a turn, and ended up on Trump Road.

So unfair.

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We've got Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Concealed Carry here, so I just assume every asshole's packing.

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A prudent move

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Ri-gas - member of the GOPerverts .

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I'm going to keep chopping onions till the onion ninjas go home. Ta, Dok. Ta, Michigan voters and the legislators you elected.

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