Hi,its thee1truth....the question is....can you handle the truth?

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Goes all wonkette you mean?

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Noice! Next time I’m in town we’ll have to take in the Conrad Mansion with your family.

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I hope to visit someday.

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You're correct, as far as I know. In other words, a parody of Donald Trump cannot be silenced by a right-of-publicity claim. But a guy who put a picture of the Three Stooges on a tee shirt and then sold the tee shirt was successfully sued. https://www.rcfp.org/suprem...

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I don't care.

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A couple of few more rich pieces of shit who can go cannibal. Rich people's lawyers are true coprophagics.

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"Hey, for a few grand, I'll get my secretary to bang out a little soft blackmail. See you in court kinda shit against this little website. Let's see if they blink."

Signed Sleazy Bennett

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They are a dying minority. especially the rich White male.

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Rich pipple need lawyers, also too, but lawyers who will tell them to go suck eggs when they want something that is against law, precedent, and common sense. They don't need lawyers who drop their pants and bend over when Big Money beckons.

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This is the good stuff right here and why I love this site. Well done, well done indeed.

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Can I co-sign this?

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I meant to read this for a while. Glad I did now. I'd say your progress as a "reformed 1st Amendment attorney" is going swimmingly.

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Well, so far you're sounding a lot like a troll or spam, so unless you actually post a comment that actually says something about an article here, I'm not really inclined to approve you as a commenter.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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I will try to get over there and make a comment reflecting the article to show you that the truth is always the truth....you should come over to nationalzero.com to see some of my handiwork.

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Reading this made my evening. Thanks!

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