Kris Kobach, Witchsmeller Persuivant for Kansas, was sniffing out voter fraud from 2010-2016. I believe he caught five white men aged 60-77 who had voted twice; they got fines only. A woman of Mexican descent, a naturalized citizen, also voted twice: was fined, sentenced to 8 years in prison and was then to be deported. I didn't look into her case due to time limitations, did she moon the judge or what? CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT are any ILLEGAL ALIENS caught up in the GREAT SLEUTH'S fishing net. Then he heads up a national fishing expedition, now defunct. You too can go far brown nosing T45. NOT A SINGLE ILLEGAL ALIEN IN SEVEN YEARS. And KS is an agricultural state, hmm.

Then again she IS female, browm (probably) and of Mexican descent. Lucky the death penalty wasn't invoked.

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It's just math really, but we know these folks don't brain so good. Blacks are like 12% of our population? Of course white people are gonna commit more crimes, there's more of them. However, they/we are in power, so they're not gonna suffer as greatly.

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Every time I've scrolled past that picture of her over the last couple of days, I just feel so bad for this poor woman. The injustice is pretty rank.

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Very low. And I am tired of hearing about how I must be dead because I live in Chicago. Rumours of my death have been grossly exaggerated.

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Well, it may just be an example of IOKIYW or it's cousin, IOKIYR in action. But at the heart of it, what we know to be the case is that the frequency of illegal voting is low, and occurs in a fashion that may be charitably described as agnostic with regard to party.

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Oh, Americans are entirely free to change their opinions -- and in a general election, you may vote for any candidate on the ballot. This applies specifically to the primary in Texas, it's possible in the country you're from there's no equivalent event, and the parties may completely control for whom you may vote.Systems of democracy differ, nation to nation, and, in the US, from state to state.

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Texas is #1 in creepy soup eaters. (http://gawker.com/after-his...

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What a lenient judge. Grrr. He should take a long walk off a short pier and other kiddie insults.I liked the article so much, I bought some funny NRA Wonkette stickers.

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This is the worst travesty I've heard today. Is there no recourse? This is too unjust.

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This is fucked up. DeSantis guy insults Andrew Gillum, and Laura thinks the man insulted should apologize to the one who insulted him? I hope Andrew Gillum rides this insult right into the Governors mansion.

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The three white people who were caught double-voting for Trump were either sentenced to probation or not charged. https://www.charlotteobserv... https://www.cbsnews.com/new... https://www.bloomberg.com/n...

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Texas probably incarcerates women of color for overdue library books, too.

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"In Texas, one needn't specify their party affiliation to vote."

In a true freedom-of-opinion country, one should never have to reveal their party affiliation to vote.If only to feel more free about changing your opinion.You Americans really have a f-up system.

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I don't know what your problem is, buddy. They ARE dancing. As only Brits can.

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In Texas, one needn't specify their party affiliation to vote. But to vote in a primary, you have to select a party ballot. She's voted in the Republican primary, so she's presumably a Republican.

I only bring this up to point to the logical fallacy in the Republican argument some-people-may-be-voting-improperly-so-we-have-to-disallow-that-number-of-votes-from-the-Democratic-totals.

It is highly likely that many illegal votes were cast for Trump in the last election, for example.

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