Bow Chicqua Wow Wow! Shall thee ride upon lighted farts from Wisconsin cheese to do thy Daring Do? The Sign of the Lighted Fart in the Sky over Gotham shall strike gibberous terror in the bowels of Evil-Doers!

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To be serious for just a moment, we DO want them to stop digging. The further they play cock-suck with the hard right, the less they are willing to compromise and the more fucked up our country becomes.We could really, really, only benefit from them ceasing the stupid.

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Unfortunately, I already do. Or rather, he has glasses like me. I had mine first. Nyah.

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Yeah, like Trump could ever go incognito...

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The American people have a way of shutting the republican party down...

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Holy shit that's awful.

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Not a single one, ever, regardless.

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Good to see that lessons were learned in 2012.

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I dunno. My father, a Lincoln Republican, voted for Obama in 2012 and has already been to a Bernie rally. The numbers I saw stated that John McCain got 5% of the black vote and Mittens' count was statistically 0%. I don't think those voters are coming back. This is the video that was going around with my dad and his friends:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Or die. 2016 is the first election where the Millennial voters outnumber the Boomers.http://www.pewresearch.org/...

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Of course when they lose it will be because whoever they ran was not really a conservative. Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed. In 2020 the teaparty will run a clone Genghis Khan gene-spliced with Hitler that was created with funding from the Birchers and the surviving Koch brother. The deceased Koch brother was taken from us in a tragic dildo and wetsuit accident shortly after President Sanders was sworn in. Since Adolf Genghitler Khan will be decanted from his incubation tank in Idaho, there will be question of his eligibility to be president.

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Right. They keep pulling the Democrats to right and it's not good.

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or can read or use a computer...

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That was good, had never seen this. I can't imagine Hillary using something this creative, but maybe Bernie has some staff willing to go further in an effort to reach the lazy voters.

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I think the crazy have pretty much locked themselves out of the White House, but I wonder if it's not by design. Except for SCOTUS picks, they would rather have the Congress, State houses, and local governments. Think of the damage they have done the past 6 years rolling back abortion coverage, etc. They lose the presidency, blame that on the libruls, and get the angry to give them everything else. That's why they couch everything in "states rights". They know they can win there.

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