Oh, there was more than one person in Mississippi who thought stalking a sick, demented old lady in her nursing home was a good idea?
Just when you think that these fucking assholes can go no lower, they manage to tunnel themselves farther into the ground. Or dungheap.
It's their self-proclaimed superior morality that steals the spotlight here.
Come on everyone, they were just mad because Cochran is a man and the "other person" female. That is not the Republican way.
If government wasn't so big and bloated, it wouldn't be sticking its nose in a private moment between a patient and her photographer.
Their citizens need to know if these ghouls are involved in the leadership of their churches too.
4 guys - who's gonna roll first to save their own ass?
Yes, but derp in the pursuit of votes is no virtue.
Privacy isn't in the Constatooshun!
Just when you think that these fucking assholes can go no lower, they manage to tunnel themselves farther into the ground. Or dungheap.
It's their self-proclaimed superior morality that steals the spotlight here.
Come on everyone, they were just mad because Cochran is a man and the "other person" female. That is not the Republican way.
If government wasn't so big and bloated, it wouldn't be sticking its nose in a private moment between a patient and her photographer.
Their citizens need to know if these ghouls are involved in the leadership of their churches too.
4 guys - who's gonna roll first to save their own ass?
Yes, but derp in the pursuit of votes is no virtue.
Privacy isn't in the Constatooshun!