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I worked for a big oil company once (no, not this one), and all I can say is they sucked too. I didn’t last long (no, not fired, but I wouldn’t have cared).

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That's what I'm thinking. The SEC's object was to protect investors. So, I'm thinking regulators are not going to be keen on elon becoming an "influencer" even if he quits Tesla.

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You can't go wrong when you have Zena on your side, https://twitter.com/realluc...

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where do i go to get that "news" outlet that gives the extra minute to topics?

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Is the comet named after Spock?

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It’s only surprising if one is still under the delusion that America is a democracy, and that our system of justice has no bias.

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I've read all about Mr. Donziger and watched the film about him and his righteous crusade against Texaco/Chevron. He's already BEEN in jail etc. WTF is this?: "...will serve the rest of his six-month sentence for misdemeanor contempt of court under home arrest."

"Isn't America an amazing place?"If I could leave, I surely would. I envy US expats of the world.

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Right. He'll just calmly blink a lot and be obsequious to his inferiors.

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Shove-ron still has not paid the 9+ billion dollar judgement against them, cuz they give zero fucks about the land, water, and lives they fucked-up for profit.

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And it's been over 50 years since it all began.

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Good for you. College class? One wonders when the repubs are gonna cancel courses like yours.

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Do you mean "Too bad Lara..."?

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Same as it ever was.

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Clauses within clauses within clauses... never a good idea. As person with a Bachelor's degree, in English! I have to say I learned how to be short and sweet. Concise. To the point. Say what you mean and shut up. Say something once, why say it again? I have nothing to say, lips are sealed.

And then there's Shakespeare... but that's art.

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