<blockquote>to be reminded daily that he sucks goat balls</blockquote>

You'd think he'd have that set on his calendar, by his chief of staff or something. Maybe there's an app? How does Mickey Kaus do it?

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has jon stewart had his 'wrong off' with mccain yet?

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How? On his knees, of course.

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I'm watching Season 1 West Wing right now. Seems real familiar.

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A Bush appointee who couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight? Color me shocked. Shocked, I say.

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"<i>We create reality ourselves now</i>" - Karl Rove

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<em>Now</em> can we finally get back to Obama's long-form birth certificate scandal? This IRS crap was a big distraction.

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It's times like these that the Jacksonian spoils system starts to sound like a great idea.

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You and your New York sense of humour.

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As incentive to shun similarly politically motivated stunts, the cost for this should be paid from Issa's wages.

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I'm sorry, I just got here, what were we talking about?

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You just lowered my opinion of shitstains.

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Issa-Gate is.

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Next up: Tan Suit Gate.

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Won't someone please think of the poor goats?

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