The fratboy’s Hubris is amazing.

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Why even say it? I voted, and I had nothing to do with Citizens United or with the Electoral College.

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Yes, I think if they claim to be Originalists they should stick to what those Founders had in mind-- and it was political speech of a serious kind, which was what they'd found to be the most readily censored. They believed in the importance of facts getting out to citizens so the nation could be conducted sanely and it would be preserved. I think political lies for entertainment would have offended them.

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I get what you are saying, but nickel squirrel race-car sadness, don't you agree?

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I suspect the point of it not being a precedent is to allow them to reverse it if late ballots after all favour Trump. It's not complicated.

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"... an autocratic Federal government ratfucking the rules."I thought conservatives and right wingers generally were dead set AGAINST that?Oh, wait. Only when it's done by liberals and left wingers generally.I forgot.May Biden win resoundingly in an overwhelming number of states and also carry the Electoral College. It's a desperate matter, any fool can see, and getting more desperate by the day.And after that may Clarence Thomas be impeached and Kegstand with him. Surely trying to ratfuck a presidential election on fatuous and phony grounds when you're a justice on SCOTUS is grounds a-plenty?

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You think Lori does that well?

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Could you yell “STOP TOUCHING MY BUTT”? That works in club lines. They back off real quick.

So I am told.

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It is really hurtful that people are even willing to believe it.

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But does he really have a lot of mysterious money? It would be great if they could all be impeached. Clarence thomas should be and his wife should be kicked off the earth. Of course Thomas and Kavanaugh should both be but -- for the reasons they shouldn't have been confirmed. But also Kavanaugh for lying in his opinion, what do you think? And this new woman for being awful in her opinions and Gorsuch for his vote on how that truck driver should have stayed by his truck and frozen to death. Period. That should take care of that. We'll leave Alito till tomorrow.

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Without the use of forensic accounting it is very hard to tell if trust fund kids and hedge fund investors have mystery money, but it can be determined.

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The will of the electorate is like the will of a woman. As long as you get drunk enough, a man has a constitutional right to overcome either.

Bush v. Gore, 537 U.S. 98 (2000).

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If SCOTUS overturns a Biden victory, we will have the civil war that the right is so eager to have.

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How could they be so sure that it's not Republican votes that are tossed out?

That would be hilarious.

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Just watch: when Trump is decisively behind on Election Night, they will shift seamlessly to "Count all the votes!" (And when counting more votes puts Trump even further behind, we will drink their sweet, sweet tears.)

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OT: I just saw that Jamie Lynn's old adversary, loathesome coal baron Bob Murray, just died. It brought back memories of that fabulous amicus brief she wrote back in 2017 on behalf of the West Virginia ACLU, supporting John Oliver, who hilariously insulted Bob Murray on his Last Week Tonight show. Her brief got a lot of press, particularly for this line: "It is apt that one of [Murray’s] objections to the show is about a human sized squirrel named Mr. Nutterbutter” — [don’t ask] — “because this case is nuts.”

>Sigh< Sometimes the greatest thing that you ever may have done in your professional life passes before you know it. That was truly a delightful moment, and the whole brief is worth another look. Thanks, Jamie Lynn!

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