The insurance companies don't make as much money. Period.

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As a former full time and now occasional critical care provider, there is nothing in the universe that has ever pissed me off more than the "death panels" lie. The things we do trying to squeeze every last second of life out of people in the last six months they are alive are tantamount to torture (especially the last few days). And from a financial standpoint, >50% of a person's lifetime medical spending happens in those six months, and their quality of life is shitty. So we spend the majority of our health care dollars extending someone's life for a few months of suffering and illness and an inevitable death anyways, and these idiots called the idea of asking a person "Is this what you really want?" a death panel. This is why I forged the 2+ Rusty Garden Weasel of Votes in the first place.

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Bilirakis district is so gerrymandered that he got nearly 70% of the vote last November. His job is such a sinecure I'm surprised he even deigns to hold town hall meetings. The Republicans could run an alligator (with respect to alligators) in that district and el legarto would win by a landslide. And then feel perfectly at home in the Republican caucus.

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i say we make all of the GOP wear a +2 rusty garden weasel of votes in their underoos everyday they lie for trump. wait, can a garden weasel feel pain? don't want to cause unnecessary suffering to an innocent weasel.

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is he 74 yet - if he is there might be some counseling available for his problems -

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Death panels would make sense. They would need to be applied to politicians who act in the interests of their party over the interests of the people, however.

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They are going to solve the problem by simply eliminating Social Security and Medicare completely. That way we will be sure there are no death panels lurking in the small print. ,

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If we call it "Throw Out the Baby With the Bathwater" those morons will get so confused about the word "babies", they'll spin donuts forever!

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WaPo did a nice summary of Akin's obvious mental illness two days ago.


I really hope the people in that town Hall come to the next one armed with enough dirt to bury Akin.

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Ya'll know I was just showing off with this, right? I mean, everything I've ever learned about South and Central American politics is from The Clash. I'm not really S-M-R-T

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No profit motive? Why do you hate America>

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I dunno - they seem OK with single payer when you call it Medicare.

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That is horrible if true.It fits my preconceptions so I want to believe it, but just to be thorough:Source?

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Oh, bullshit. Everyone knows you go to Carousel on your 30th birthday. THERE IS NO SANCTUARY!

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Real question: Why is it a difficult thing to keep my child on my health care plan after the age of 26? What entity is harmed by this? What are the undesirable consequences?

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Maybe if we close the cage and throw a towel over it, they'll go to sleep.

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