I understood what you meant. When I wrote "the eleventh hour is actually too late" I was thinking of climate change, which is such a big problem that the super-rich will not be able to run away from it. Too many of them feel that they will be able to buy or steal their way out of the danger, and therefore aren't putting any effort into stopping it.

Putin thinks Russia is far enough north that it won't be much hurt by climate change, but he's wrong. The temperature in Russia may remain bearable, but climate change will mess up their rainfall, so their agriculture is going to become radically less productive. If climate change gets bad enough, the oceans could run out of oxygen and begin producing hydrogen sulfide, a very poisonous gas. That would assure the extinction of over 90% of all animals on earth, and many plants also.

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I probably should have had quotes around “eleventh hour”. I actually think these greedy bastards are playing a long game of poker with many dangerous elements of society, so they can bilk all they can and slide out just in time to the next con. I think their arrogance(if I’m correct of course) is going to destroy us all sooner than later.

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You are absolutely right. In addition, a "refuge compound" that's small enough or remote enough to be defensible will be too small to be sustainable or too remote to get to when the $#!t hits the fan. The super rich also want and depend on things that they can't make or stockpile enough of, particularly medical supplies and electronic equipment that will stop being available if civilization goes bad.

"Plenty of them intend to have eleventh hour solutions to whatever disasters spring up...."They can "intend" all they want, but if they don't correctly foresee the disasters that actually occur, they will be just as screwed as the rest of us. They may also discover that the eleventh hour is actually too late for their solution to be effective.

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As per usual, the wealthy don’t understand how the real world works. Their mercs will turn on them regardless of what they do. Robots aren’t going to be able to do it any better. They will need a source for their directions and that source can be tampered with or just turned off. They won’t be coordinating their efforts and be essentially useless. Mars is probably the worst idea I’ve ever heard. They think they deserve to leave everyone behind on a planet they destroyed. I highly doubt that’s every wealthy person though. Plenty of them intend to have eleventh hour solutions to whatever disasters spring up, and they will monetize them. They have no intention of leaving.

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Bit of trivia: the term "Silent Majority" originally referred to the dead.

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On that note, check this out: Survival of the RichestThe wealthy are plotting to leave us behindhttps://medium.com/s/future...

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It's a standard line from the pro-lifers...The only justifiable abortion was my own. The situation was special.It is so common it is cliché.According to their God, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven with a baptism, it washes away all the sins right? or simply finding Jesus again.

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Dershowitz's genius in defending O J Simpson is now on full display in defending anotherorange malefactor. Has he no shame?

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Please tell us all more, we are all greatly interested...honest

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You can get any kind of costumes you need any time of the year. It's Hollywood, of course.

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Because ANYONE who has ever "slept" with Trump would most definitely require a cash payout. Because ew.

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and as in neighbor and weigh and a number of other exceptions.

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Can't imagine it. It's been warm in SoCal recently, high around 90 and look at those coats.

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We are all fallen. Christian forgiveness is our duty. Just after we tear Hillary to little bitty ribbons.

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Wait, what? It's not?

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The Dotard supposedly paid for a number of abortions. Let's mention that more to his base of Evangelicals if abortion is such a no-no for them. Let's see how they'll try to bullsh*t their way out of that or spin it. "Your President/Dear Leader actively paid for numerous abortions". "Rethug Senator So-and-so or Congressman So-and-so paid for abortions". (Or if a woman GOP leader, mention she had an abortion even tho it's murder).

Let's think about this. Abortion is such an important issues used by the alt-right to manipulate their base of Evangelicals, etc? Abortion = Murder is what they claim. 'Roe vs Wade' is all wrong so they're trying to change this by taking over the SCOTUS.So let's go there.

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