...according to Lou Dobbs they already invaded us!

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...considering that we released Manuel Noriega a couple of years ago I guess the South American Strong Man suite in club fed is available now.

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he can put it where the sun don't shine!

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I miss Warren. :-(

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<i>"...decline inevitable.."</i>

I'm no energy expert like Sarah Palin™, but didn't the oil reserves begin to decline the moment we pumped out he first barrel. Unless Jesus is making water in petroleum these days, or the Jews remembered out how to make one day's oil last eight, we're screwed.

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That's cool! I'll listen to the album tonight when I get home.

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i just want a goddamn jetpack. is that too much too ask?

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that is AWESOME.

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I'm confused by the words in the picture: are they a command or a description of a cause-and-effect relationship?

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...oh c'mon, calm down everyone! You guys are acting like their aren't any other countries that we can invade/subjugate in the world?!?! ARGENTINA and BRAZIL I'm talking to you!!!!

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