Right, because it's all about what MEN want.

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I think you've got it. Their 'morality' forbids them sex, and it pisses them off that ours doesn't.

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Old joke:

What do University of (pick one) girls put behind their ears to attract men?

Their ankles.

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...if daddy wears a wig, does that count?

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...yeah, and I'm not sure who is going to eat who?!

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That description does not shout "Choice".

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This deserves all the upfists in the world! I want to use this simile in my English class!

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"to prove we're right, we put it in a song"

Well, can't argue with that. When will religionnuts realize that trying to be cool by imitating something cool makes people point at you and laugh.

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True story: the campus library where I work displays the newest copies of magazines and other periodicals. On occasion a cover will include women in bikinis or even (gasp) naked. I often find these editions turned backwards. Our Mormon library users are among the usual suspects...

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Ankle porn pop.

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...God, I wish we could just air drop Miley Cyrus right into the middle of that cluster fukk!!!

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According to this logic, there are no ugly virgins.

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Kids! What the hell do they know anyway? One look at little Suzy Creamcheese in her short shorts bending over to pick a cherry lollipop and these little boy’s virtues will be out the window like beer can on a road trip to Toronto.

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Looks like the opening ceremony for the Douchebag Olympics.

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Yay. Let the Mormon menfolk tell us ladies what to wear and how to behave. Because, you know, our delicate lady-brainz ain't developed enough to figure that shit out on our own. I especially enjoy that the youth generation is getting in on this patriarchy thing early, and using the pop muzics so it's easier for us girl-brained types to understand. Whee!

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I like the lyrics especially the na na na na part.

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