And given that the police and politicians in a fair chunk of Utah submit to the temple, then well, yeah there's that.

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Good point, I'm not sure but I think Mormons consider themselves Christians.

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Also, apparently dick nose here doesn't understand the "deterrent" factor in criminal law making.

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Also, how fucking recently have Mormons been persecuted on fucking UTAH! I mean, they fucking OWN Utah for fucks sake! I have zero tolerance for majorities who bitch and cry and whine about persecution.

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True story, I live in Ann Arbor Michigan. Despite (or perhaps because of) our super liberal community, we are routinely plagued by groups of super fucking crazy Christians proselytizing on the street corner (like big groups of them too, not just one dude with a Bible). When approached I will often say something like 'no thanks, I already have a religion, and I'm pretty happy with it". When I tell them I'm a pagan Buddhist, even odds that they will tell me I should be "put to the torch".

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Sooooooooo much awesome! I actually donate to and volunteer with the satanic temple in Detroit. They are the ones who put up the "Snaketivity" in Lansing around Christmas (gooogle it sometime, great story in the news coverage et al. You want to see some pissy Christians? The commentary on this is hi-larious!) The focus alot of their attention on the separation of church and state, bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.

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That's the answer! We need to start the first holy church of gay! No, no wait, it's cool there to persecute non-mormons, I forgot myself for a minute.

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::sniff:: That brought a tear to this exmormon's eye. Bless you. ;>)

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Apostates unite! (I'm exmo too.)

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That is an urban legend -- the mormon church does not own a bunch of Coke stock. There's plenty of skeletons in the mormon closet, however, so there's no need to repeat untrue bullshit. There's more than enough true bullshit to demonstrate the mormon cult's hypocrisy.

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Well, their Christ spent time in Missouri, unlike the other one, so some sort of distinction seems to be in order.

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Death by Parmesan?

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We had just moved into our house off a county road in NW Chenango county when two JWs stopped by: JW:" Do you wonder what happens when people die?"

Me: "I've seen a lot of people die... (longish pause to make them uncomfortable) "I work ER and ICU. Good day."

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Skid row!

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Bicycles, big heads and backpacks, oh my!Of course they're not being persecuted, they, like the Scientologists, have more lawyers than believers.Of course they're alright with bigotry. That's religion.It's the Country Club Theory of heaven. You pay money for membership, follow their rules, and end up in an eternal, suitably white heaven where you can feel superior to all those schmucks still on earth and watch the sinners burn (friends and family plan) in hell on your fully loaded divine smart TV (channel 666, of course).

If the Lord is your shepherd, what does that make you?

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Past tense of "shine" is "shone", not "shined", which is not a word in English.

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