Wow. I'm no expert in Catholic doctrine, but this is logical and powerful.

As you say in your last sentence, a priest can withhold absolution from someone who doesn't want to confess to the police. As for priests going to the cops themselves, sure, but my understanding is that they would be precluded from testifying to what the jerk -- sorry,"penitent" -- said.

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Let's face the reality here that people who are doing that do not need someone else to tell them it's wrong; they have to know that going in. They go to confession to get "whatever the Mormon version of a few Hail Marys and Our Fathers is", followed by whatever the LDS version of absolution is--they do that for themselves, not their victims. Being inconvenienced by consequences is not part of the bargain here. Like cashing in a coupon when they buy pizza, their sins are held against them no more; being arrested for having held up other pizza joints in the franchise when they use the coupon is hardly fair, amirite? The child in this family who suffered the abuse (per posts below) is probably getting approbation and guilt heaped upon her as we speak. If there is this much blame-throwing going on already, one can only assume some of it is sloshing on to her. ExMo, what was done to you is heinous, and shouldn't happen to anyone, anywhere, ever. Funny that the same church (Christianity in its many roots and branches) that insists that we should not suffer a witch to live allows, welcomes perps in their midst, especially generous donor perps. Be damned proud that you are still standing, and speaking out against the covering up.

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I had mo-mos come to my house (TWICE) and when I sweetly told them I was living in sin with an ex-mo-mo, I had to call the police. Eff them and their oh-so cute demeanors.

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And unless the niece's victims were helped, then that was only addressing half of the equation. The social norms of this mommyblog which require us to play nice with others and not wish the raining down of destruction on "the most horrible and guilty person in the world" have seeped into my inner reaches, and muffle my impulse to think that a child rapist who takes their own life is at least preventing "all the future rapes that would have happened if that guy would have been afraid to go talk to a priest." You gave your niece what this perp and his spouse were looking for--someone to help them figure out how to fix it--for themselves, not for the true victim. To bad for them that the law had already foreseen how poorly that works out, and removed the workaround.

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Extra points for TGIA. Good show. Also, their time on the GAM show when they Mormon movies is always a joy.

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And (literally the least important fact here, but still infuriating) in a Mormon church being a guy is the only requirement. Lay clergy who don’t even have the pointless training in imaginary issues that many other religions give. The fact that all you need to do to serve as a “bishop” in the LDS church is be a dude and be married to a woman is not exactly a reason to think someone confessing sins to Joe Sixpack (of root beer) is going to get council.

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The fuck?!? Are we sure? I missed that...

Yeah, she really is making it hard to care about her.

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Really? Like, they wouldn’t leave? WTF?

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Yeah, its a little like “Educated” in that if I had read either straight through without long walks and meditation, someone might have been murdered...

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Good to see that changed! *cough*$100 billion in secret account*cough*

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Having read both, as well as the Holy Bibble (Eddie Izard pronunciation) I can say, the BoM is definitely the most poorly written of the three. And that is a hella low bar it is failing to get over.

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I must have missed that one. I'll check it out!

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Your anecdote is not compelling. And unless your niece committed a felony, not relevant.

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Mark Twain said this of it: 'The book is a curiosity to me, it is such a pretentious affair, and yet so "slow," so sleepy; such an insipid mess of inspiration. It is chloroform in print. If Joseph Smith composed this book, the act was a miracle--keeping awake while he did it was, at any rate. If he, according to tradition, merely translated it from certain ancient and mysteriously-engraved plates of copper, which he declares he found under a stone, in an out-of-the-way locality, the work of translating was equally a miracle, for the same reason.'I found that reading two chapters was enough to put me to sleep; had I tried to read three at once I probably would have developed narcolepsy.

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Totally agree, Robyn. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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