I like kissing them so much, I'm a regular speaker at Lesbian Conferences.

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Only if that planet was shaped like a beautiful woman's mouth and was prepared to blow me forever. Otherwise, no deal.

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That is definitely the win.

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you bet...I'm a cunning...err, you know.

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Somewhere around here I have a 1998 Letter to the Editor of our local paper in which a man denounces an attempt to overturn anti-sodomy laws and equates oral sex to pedophilia, bestiality and rape. I sure hope he was married <b>before</b> he wrote that letter. No, wait, I don't hope any such thing, I would not visit a fellow female with such a lifemate as that.

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I forgot what that is, and I'm afraid to google it at work. Citation, please?

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That's just the trick us guys use so we can get in there, after that good luck to either party with that staying still bullshit. It's the Mormon version of 'just the tip'

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Hey, hey, now - I'm the progeny of Jamaicans, and I totally do that at every opportunity!

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Truer than if Jeebus Himself swore to it!

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When a reporter asked Ann what some of her positions were, she said "I'm Mormon. I just lay there".

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Way late here, but rules & sex? All you need is a safe word folks. Carry on!

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You mean Mormons don’t suck?

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I guess Mormons are just a waste of a tongue and lips.

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The just ride horses to climax.

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At least you got a lot of pizza.

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So <i>that's</i> why Mitt never eats anything below the muffin top.

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