And Big Media, always findin' out stuff.

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"I mean, what's the big deal?" Wisneski asked. "When I killed all of those baby chicks with a claw hammer nobody made a fuss."

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There seems to be something in the water as that's the same area that brought us David VanderLeest.

I also have to admit, I'm feeling a certain amount of perverse pride seeing the illustrious citizen politicians of my state featuring heavily in Wonkette as of late.

It helps me feel better in-between bouts of uncontrollable sobbing.

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Republicans are eternally grateful to the fact that being a pathological liar isn't a felony but the only way to honestly deal with one is.

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As another representative of Wisconsin, I had to disagree with you here. More and more, these people are an accurate representation of the majority. We're in a death spiral towards derphood and I just don't see how it's going to change.

Also: Go Pack!

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Wait, so this Monica Podgurski apparently married him <i>after</i> the animal cruelty business? Somehow I don't see things ending well for her.

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I would gladly kill anyone who would break the legs of a cat. With a hammer.

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I admire the modicum of restraint that Mr. Hansen has. I would imagine most people who have dealt with this sort of tragedy would respond to such accusations with the use of unnecessary violence.

However, I have many uncomplimentary words for Mr. Wisneski. Most of which suggest he perform anatomically impossible feats.

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Note to editors: I wouldn't actually kill this piece of crawling excrement, I'd let my main cat Tuffy rip him to shreds like he tried to do with the young feral cat I grabbed from outside and put in my house to keep her away from the intact male feral cat that got the really sweet cat pregnant (Paloma) that is now safely by herself and waiting to give birth in the upper floor of my house. Tuffy's brief victim (Oreo - black & white) is by herself in my former bedroom and I'm living in the living room.

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He forgot to mention Mary Jo Kopechne whose story Ann Coulter continues to flog 50 years later.

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You gonna need a bigger house.

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Wisneski, without remorse, remarked about the 4 broken legs with an offhand "he didn't pay the vig."

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Re the picture above: Always pleased to see someone demonstrating the proper application of the Right Hand Rules of Magnetostatics.

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Yinz please put yer cheeseheads back on and chill.

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Every time you vote Rethuglican, Dog kills a kitten.

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