So he's a Russian teddy bear?

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Of course old Vlado is loved, how could you not. I mean, when you look at his big, strong shoulders and his perfect equine posture. He just makes you all squishy inside. I myself am secure enough in my own masculinity to say that I just want Vlad to hold me and protect me and keep me safe. Not in a Gay way, but in a loving kind of older man/younger protege kind of way, where he guides me in the ways of life while protecting me from the evil forces that would tear us apart. It would be just two real men sharing life lessons while discovering the secrets we both hide from the world. You know, not Gay at all.

What really bothers me are the talking heads at Fox and even some of those MSNBC hags. You know Hannity, O'Reilly, Kristol and the rest of those guys. To hear them talk you would think that they were exclusive with Vlad. They fawn all over him like cheap suits and none of them are really good enough for him. Everyone knows that Vlad would never have a real man-to-man relationship with those empty headed posers. What bitches!

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one weird trick...

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Don't you dare.

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It's seriously fucked up that Nikita Khrushschev is the best leader Russia has had in the past, oh, 1000 years.

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The most trenchant comment I've seen on Uncle Vlad is from "Gwbear", posting re Krugman's column in the NYT:

"There is a lesson for the US in all of this, one we really need to listen to. Do not let your country be run by and ruined by a self centered, self entitled plutocratic oligarchy. There are few things more toxic to a country's future than letting robber barons run loose stealing everything in sight, even if it is done under sanction of the law."

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That would be Alina Kabayeva, who certainly qualifies as arm candy, but is also, shall we say, <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/09\/25\/putin-wedding-rumors-russia_n_3987046.html" target="_blank">unusually talented</a>.

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I don't get them. Bastards probably profiled me as too old, dammit...

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