<i>"...it was a crazy time and everybody was just doing the best they could to Protect America."</i>

Though Obama has granted them executive amnesty here in the U.S., Cheney and Bush can plead temporary insanity at The Hague.

Also ... "crazy time" ... the torture started almost a year after the 9/11 attacks. And eight years after we ratified the "United Nations Convention against Torture".

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The enema of my enemy is my friend.

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Cruel and Unusual for $1000: <i>"why the CIA and the Bush team decided to ... torture"</i>

What is "because they are assholes"?

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Again, for all those 'enhanced interrogation' defenders (looking at you, DICK, Rush, et al): agree to be waterboarded on national TV, and come out smiling. Ain't torture, right?

Fkg assholes...

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And Chris "Interruptus" Matthews goes on-and-on about "does it work". Is he in the third grade? It doesn't matter. It's wrong. It's wrong. It's wrong.

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...Rethuglican logic 101:

-Torture makes us <strong>SAFER</strong>!!! -However if the world knows about our torture programs, it makes us <strong>LESS</strong> safe!

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Why we switched to torture, by Dick "Dick" Cheney: Because we could, and because we wanted to.

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A fellow-Canadian friend of mine was teaching at State U which resembled nothing so much as the 3rd Rock institution. On 9/11, the fellow members of her dept, all edumacated professors, went around saying "Why do they hate us?"

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Those heavy-duty Zircon-encrusted tweezers come in handy for enhanced interrogation

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