Nine debates for the Repubs to tell us why the other Repubs are not presidential material, while Hillary sits back and takes notes. Great plan, guys.

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Nine debates doesn't leave much time for the candidates to explain how they are the most Reagan-y.

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In the upcoming season, I look forward to enjoying Lindsey Graham playing the Nosy Neighbor, Ted Cruz as the Creepy Co-worker, and Jeb Bush as the Humorless Boss.

Coming soon on FOX!

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2016 Republican Debates: The Theatre of the Absurd, or Politics for Dummies? Discuss.

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At least we'd be able to put this civil rights malarky behind us. And we could smoke on Greyhound busses again.

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Lack of EKG or EEG?

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So, <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bored_of_the_Rings" target="_blank">Bored of the Rings?</a>

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The GOP will exert more control over who gets to be in the audience than on who gets to stand on the stage. Illuminated "Applause" signs would not surprise me.

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<blockquote>Overture, curtains, lights, This is it, the night of nights No more rehearsing or hiding the facts The party we have totes hijacked!

Overture, curtains, lights This is it, you'll hit the heights And oh what lies we'll tell Dragging 'Murica to Hell!</blockquote>

with apologies to Bugs Bunny ....

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