<i>Clustercoitus</i> is my new favorite word.

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And it's even better if you can argle-bargle fear-monger your cheating in the cloak of preventing cheating. I'd say Rethugs aren't that clever, but in this instance, they've shown real ingenuity.

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"The illegal we do at once; the unconstitutional takes a little longer." - Henry Kissinger

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Kaili Joy "Mad about a thing" Gray should interview Lewis Black about stuff. It could achieve critical mass.

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If you ask a Repub voter, a lot of them will tell you they vote repub to save the country. They seem to have deeply-held, quasi-religious beliefs that the country is seriously in danger from Dems, because they truly don't understand the issues. I think the evidence is pretty strong that it's the repubs who are actively trying to destroy this country, by taking away every freedom that matters. Voting rights, making one's own decisions - I would go so far as to argue that the blatent lying they do on Faux and elsewhere is also an attack on both free speech and free press. By destroying the credibility of the nation's press they are, in effect, killing it off, substituting a tribe of mouth-breathers who mindlessly repeat whatever the day's talking points are - and if you think that's hyperbole, look at North Korea's state-run press and tell me that's not Faux in twenty years. By defending their right to lie and pretending they have the right to be televised doing it, they are also destroying the concept of free speech. Pretty soon no one will understand what free speech actually is. So they buy the elections, restrict voting to only those stupid enough or rich enough to vote only for them, eliminate a press that might inform voters of the truth, and flood the public sphere with nonsense and lies. The only question I have is why they even bother to pretend they're "for America." The country they're actually thinking of looks more like Haiti under Baby Doc to me.

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Squeak means Squeak!

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We had to cheat at democracy, to save democracy!

Same idea as with those Vietnamese villages.

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Shhh! Don't give them any more ideas!

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