only 4%? I honestly would have guessed higher

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well now that Congress is wrapping up its vital task of renaming every public building ever after St. Raygun, it can now turn to daily exorcisms of all those lie-berals who are cramming stuff down America's throat.

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And what's worse, he's blah, and they're not supposed to float.

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I will take your craziness and raise it one Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. Notice that you haven't heard shit from Tejas? I think he and Gubnor-Elect Greg "Strangelove" Abbott will take on abortion, birf control and prohibit any local regulation of hydraulic fracturing natural gas drilling. The City of Denton outlawed its City last week and the State Land Office and Big Oil have already started to sue the City because they believe they have ultimate control.

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Neither can ever hope to catch Texas.

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I can asssssssure you that ssssssuch rumors are completely false. You have my word on that. Oh hey, is that a mouse?

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