These darn pesky facts are confusing all of my fond memories!

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In fifty years, the remaining Republicans will talk about how much they admire with Barack Obama. Usually on BHO Day (first Monday in August).

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Scalia is an asshole and Reagan was a soulless, unthinking jerk? Who knew?

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The one constant is that in every version Dick Cheney relentlessly seeks the Anti-Life Equation.

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Say what you will about his politics, but Regan looked great in PJs. Check out that photo. It's right out of a Hollywood Rom-Com from 1962. I can see the scene.

Ronnie wakes up to the sound of the phone ringing and just as he shakes out the remnants of last night's drinking binge from his head, he remembers that his beautiful young secretary is asleep in the next room. She normally doesn't do that, but the silly girl forgot that she can't go mixing rum and vodka, so of course she had to spend the night in his room - practically naked. Well, he picks up the phone and - Whoops - it's his fiance. She just happens to be in town with her parents and they'll be at his door in ten minutes because the family can't wait to meet him. So now Ronnie's got to hide the secretary under the bed, clean up all the liquor, bomb Grenada and get Russia to tear down that wall, all before his girlfriend and her parents get there. Hilarity ensues.

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As an I.T. guy, saying "screen saver" when you clearly mean "desktop background" makes me die a little inside every time it happens (which is why I'm 186% dead inside...)

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Doris is always the fiancee,. The secretary needs to be just a titch sluttier, maybe Shirley Maclaine.

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One of my all time favorite TV shows.

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