Nah, they like dead people, cuts down on healthcare costs.

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They'd wonder aloud what all the ruckus was about.

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In moments of quiet reflection, I still occasionally entertain myself by trying to figure out which Ed Meese thing is worse - the 'there is no hunger in America/people go to food kitchens just to get free food/ketchup is a vegetable for school lunches' thing or the "But the thing is, you don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime. That's contradictory. If a person is innocent of a crime, then he is not a suspect" thing.

It's a puzzlement.

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You guys are all just reinforcing your own delusional fantasy world......Out here in the real world....we kinda accept "change" as necessary...and dont insist that things stay just like they were way back in 1968!You dumas's think you want change but you;re actually fighting to prevent change.Yeah...OK....Trump isnt the president you wanted....so what? obama wasnt any different than Bush....dammit, when will you idiots wake up????

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Hey Doktor Zoom....you left out the part about Anne Gorsuch being a slut and a Nazi collaborator, when she wasnt urinating on Obama.This is about the stupidest eff'n article I ever accidently read.

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I grew up next to Superfund site. I am a cancer survivor but many on my block were not as lucky as I was. Please take your delusional rantings back to Dead Breitbart and leave those of us who like our air and water carcinogen free alone.

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Um, there are other species trying to live on this planet, and many of them live in the ocean.

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If they are opening up national parks there is zero way they're not going to sell off sacred native American sites. Why are they so evil?

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I'm rethinking him not declaring himself president-for-life.

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Did Buzz mention that when he was doing all this supposed space travel that he was actually being paid by the government the entire time?Hardly an unbiased source...

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I met Rita LaVelle one time at a community hearing about 15 years ago. ( Gorsuch lieutenant in the EPA during the Reagan years, served a short stretch in prison for various white collar crimes) In 2004, she was convicted of wire fraud, among other things. I think the fraud and corruption of this administration will dwarf anything that we saw under Reagan and W. They won't be able to bury it or help themselves.

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We can wear them down too. You know the phrase they hate? "2018 can't come soon enough". That was the battle cry of the Tea Party in 2009.They really don't have an answer.

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Every community will get their very own Love Canal! https://uploads.disquscdn.c... You get a Love Canal! And you get a Love Canal! And you get a Love Canal!

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I'm in freakin' Idaho. Anything north of Virginia is "New England"

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Considering that our current POTUS is giving the Russian dictator a constant rim job, I doubt Reagan would even recognize his GOP. Can one switch parties from the grave? He'd probably do it.

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You gonna eat the seafood from those waters, though?

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