So Spanish Ebola nurse's dog was not put down, but sent to NJ instead.

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"So are there any Republican policies or talking points left that are not predicated on lies? Any at all?"

Republican, indignant: "What do you mean by that?!"

"Well, look at all these three stories, all of them based on shades of untruth. We've been pointing this out forever. It just keeps happening."

"No, you elitist jerk! I meant what does 'predicated' mean?"

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And some of those bark collars to go off when you lie.

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We are all working slow-mo today, too hung over from yesterday evening's bacchanal celebrations.

What? Just me?

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I sense a "Debunktion Junction" spin-off is coming. There's certainly enough material. They can't get Jon Stewart, so maybe Ezra Klein.

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Republicans to America: Could you please be more afraid, please? And paranoid also, too? Except you wimmins - you don't worry your pretty little heads about this for a minute! Just make sure your menfolks have a gun with them at all times, and make plenty of sammichs for the bunker!

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And, no, senators from KY are not really turtles nor board certified ophthalmologists.

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Those aren't tombstones, they're stepping stones to the House.

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But I read about this on the Internets! Doesn't that make it true? Or at least true-ish enough for the RWNJs?

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IRDs--improvised remasculation devices.

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I can tell by the pixels/chemtrails.

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Guess I'll report that ad as abusive on YouTube. If he wants to lie and keep it up, he deserves every report he gets.

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And fear, don't forget our old buddy Fear!

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<i>Duncan Hunter’s terrifying announcement on Fox News Tuesday that the border patrol has arrested “at least 10 ISIS fighters”</i>

Home of the brave, indeed.

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