I await the new bumper sticker: "Support Our Troops Until They Need Help".

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This is a cry for help, dontchasee? We need to help Tommy before he... before he.... Oh, what the fuck, let him vote himself off. With votes.

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<i>Something about midterm erections, I think.</i>

-- Emily Litella

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The real soldiers also get a bit discouraged when they see their former brethren-in-arms making the big moniez working for Eric Prince while doing the same job, albeit as 1099 subcontractors with no benefits. Military "service" always carried with it the idea that you were doing something for your country, that it was an obligation of citizenship. Being a Blackwater hired gun is, uh...<i>different.</i>

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Nothing but a bunch of takers, wanting free medical care'n'shit.

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I wonder if Coburn's grandfather was in the "Bonus Army", because Coburn sounds like the fellows in command back then who dismissed soldiers who fought and bled for them as though they were nothing.

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It's because as personal physicians they sucked. The patients hated them, and so they made no money. "Run for Congress! Get on the Gravy Train!" is the only place that would have them. Oh, and the Koch money also too.

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I watched that Coburn story last night, and I watched the first story Rachel did on this bill, and both times, I wanted to feed Tom Coburn head-first into that turkey machine that's in the background of our favorite $arah story. And not with votes. Fuck that guy.

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This guy's a doctor? Is he the Republican doctor who can diagnose persistent vegetative conditions by looking at a video tape? Or the one who stole cats from the animal shelter so he could dissect them? Or the one who mints his own board certifications?

Oh right! He's the one who hopes that vets will do to themselves what the enemy failed to do to them.

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"I'm not just the president of the Hair Club for Growth, I'm also a member."

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