Man, talk about a fixed game. This thing was crookeder than a San Francisco street.

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If only Michael Brown had been shot by a ham sammich, instead of a white cop, things might have turned out differently.

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...under this thought process, they could have given jurors "Jim Crow" era laws and then at the last minute tell them that the laws were all overturned. And then not even bother to tell them the laws were put into place solely to institutionalize racism!

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Except when it's police officers.

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Cops are pigs, pigs are ham. Clearly there was a lack of bread.

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Is DA still an elected position? Vote the fuckers out!

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If every prosecutor involved in this sham doesn't lose his/her license to practice law, lose his/her job, and go to prison for this obvious corruption, we'll know that they are white. No Justice, No Snark.

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Ha ha. "Mistake". Ha ha ha.

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What are my choices.

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