Can't even shop for furniture in Bergen County on a Sunday. And everyone has to listen to church bells all over town ... but the fundies would turn purple, scream, and grab their fucking guns if they heard a muzzein calling people to prayer.

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Do they have Bingo Night at the local mosque?

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Wait, John Lennon, right?

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fucking first amendment. who can explain it?

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You know what would be a great invention? A machine that measures the amount of irrational fear a person contains. Then, before a politician could even get on a ballot, he/she would be hooked up to a Infearometer. Score too high? Sorry...back to your old job. Also, this would include politicians seeking re-election since they seem to flip flop on issues based on fear. (I'm looking at you, Nikki Haley).

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Also spreading like wildfire in Colorado: <i>actual</i> fire.

It didn't happen to start because of ... a burning cross, did it? Just askin'.

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He should have stuck with "DERP"

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I don't see much trouble from mosques, mosquitoes are much more of a nuisance.

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all the biggest assholes are named 'geert'.

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OOO-<i>EEEE,</i> I <i>duz</i> luvs me some <i>XENOPHOBIA</i>.

We sprinkle it on <i>EVERYTHING!</i> We buy it in the 5-gallon containers at Costco.

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