But "gif" would be correct according to any linguist. And we do like our cunning linguists as you know. It's short for graphic interface something something (<---extent of my tech knowledge) and we don't say jjjjjjraphic now do we?!!

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Figure you're just being flip, but anyways, since Norm the Mailman isn't available:

... ya gotta understand Putin. Guy's not so much down with communism anymore. Hasn't been for some decades, by his own description...

Making life a repressive, paranoid horror, mind, totally! So I guess we can all get behind that, at least. But for other reasons entirely. It's... Umm... Very dour? But not very communist. Kinda an Orthodox version of a born again, social conservative type, really. You know when people get really grating saying America the Great? He's kinda that, only it's Russia the Great, Russia grand, you don't respect us enough and we're doing to damned well make you, that kinda thing...

As a local reference, I figure you can picture him kinda like a would-be manly man prosperity gospel Dominionist... sorta. Except backed by a now somewhat hobbled petro economy about the size of Mexico's, and a military that does have some jets and bombs about, and, to be fair, a certain savoir faire and what-the-hell-let's-try-this with the spycraft. Lots of imperial ambition, and, really, not a whole hell of a lot to lose. So, sure, it's let's let fly the hackers, see what they can do. He now seems to imagine western democracies weak and corrupt and slovenly and messy the way a certain colour of True Believer does the world over, figures he can exploit their openness, oddly, a bit like old Soviets woulda... That's one thing seems to have carried over more or less intact from his salad days in the KGB, I guess. But much of the rest of that old culture, I suspect he kinda despises (or might at most regard as quaint and doomed). Probably figures it just held Russia back (edit here to add, as it occurs to me: or at best was a stepping stone now long past its time, good with the rockets and the bombs and the repression, which I expect he kinda likes to be able to do, but kinda shitty at everything else), probably doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of respect for the poverty and all that came with it (he's rumoured to be pretty damned rich himself, tho' the actual official numbers aren't that wild). It's his thing is gonna be better, and all, let's have the imperial and military glory, without the bureaucratic mess that was communism... So it winds up a kinda socially conservative authoritarian vision...

And tho' I _suspect_ it's important to him, he's not real _overt_ about the religion; it's the social conservativism, the imperial stuff, the Russia pride stuff, that's the central axis of his public politics.

But, yeah, can't imagine him having much affection for a communist anything. And as for Trump, I don't figure Trump is really his style either, nor is he likely to have anything but the standard order contempt he has for the whole culture that spawned him--maybe a grudging respect for a man who knows how to keep a con going and rile a crowd--but more to the point: if he's a proper embarrassment to the US, weakens their international standing, breaks up coalitions they might lead or encourage to form, that's perfect, he's all for that.

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Russian hackers penetrated the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Department. The State Department cyberattack, which began in 2014 and lasted more than a year, was particularly severe, with Russian hackers gaining entry into its unclassified system, including emails.

Yet somehow Hillary's a villain for using a private server, like Colin Powell and Condi Rice did before her as Secretaries of State? Seems like a wise thing to do, and if our own government's system are THAT fucked up and vulnerable, maybe THAT should be the REAL scandal. Fuck's sake.

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Politics make strange Bunga Bunga [parties]

what I mean to say is that Putin has a lot of similarities with Trump and not just because their surnames have 3/5 letters in common, they are both white men who see themselves as a cult of personality and classiness although they are both garish and overbearing. I could go on...

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"I was beautiful then..."

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you thought Dubya was a bottom? Does Evan have an opinion?

(sorry, low hanging fruit)

I iz ashamed :(

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Yuri Andropov?

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there's something about receiving high praise from a total stranger after making a reference to "CATS"---it was BETTER than "CATS"

(just kidding --I know that as a refugee hugging bunch of queers, we don't take no dissing of musical theatre)

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I was 10 when I went to Disneyland for the first time and was enchanted by the Enchanted Tikki Room. I did like CATS when I saw it at the Warner Theatre when my ex-husband took me (while we were still married or "dating"* I don't remember...) I don't think he liked it, maybe it reminded him of how much he dislikes the furry cold-blooded killers known as felis catus.

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Field Marshal von Brauchitsch?

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In Russia, snake oils YOU!

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In Russia, Ken Bones you.

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YES YES. He will always, always do the wrong thing. It's like a clock that's never right. But how can that be? Isn't a stopped clock right twice a day? Yes, but if neither Trump nor the clock is "stopped" they will both always be wrong. We can at least keep an eye on his evolving ideas and, knowing that he is always wrong, do the opposite.

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I've gone on about it before, but I'm not as worried about the whole Nuke thing. There's a lot of people in the firing chain, and some of them can gum things up if they feel they got a launch order that isn't justified. Even if it got down to the guys in the silos or subs, those crews usually expect a major ramp-up in tensions in world news; a bolt-from-the-blue launch order would stink, quadrupley so under a Trump presidency.

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Read that early this morning.Now I know what feeling gobsmacked is really like.

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