I hope to hell that asshole former Judge is doxxed all to fuck.

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Well said Roy Merritt...

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No. He's a misogynist, too. If it had not been a black WOMAN, he would have let it go. Instead he chased her and TOUCHED HER. Would he have done that to a man, especially a black man? For that matter, would he do it to a white man? Doubtful, he would have been too chicken, besides being nuts.

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Obviously the court administrator saw something untoward about Bachman's behavior and since they don't detail his reputation as a magistrate you may well be unaware of his past behavior which is possibly why the administrator demanded he resign or be fired. I hardly think this one incident would have required nothing more than suspension for a brief period of time, so it seems clear to me Bachman has a history of overstepping the bounds of his office. And the article did mention a previous incident with this same woman, so it might be his attitude toward her is prejudicial and racist. And no man should ever put his hands on a woman in a situation like this unless a police officer and she had clearly violated the law. This was the behavior of an overseer mistreating a field hand. And you're an idiot if you don't understand America has a serious problem with endemic racism, the Chief Executive of the country is a blatant lying racists and his manifestation on the political scene has given license to the horrid racism that exists in this country that most decent people abhor.

We thought it had been subdued to some extent, but alas it was still there all along lurking in the cold hearts of many white people, likely within your own fallacious soul as well, in fact I'm sure you're deeply invested in racism if only to blame the screwing the GOP has been perpetrating against you on people who have no power whatsoever. But that's how it goes with illiterate mob the Fascists use for their dirty work always blame the vulnerable and hopefully the Fascist leaders might throw members of the mob a crumb of their ill gotten lucre. Most of you are idiots who don't have the wherewithal to comprehend whose torn you life asunder so just like the Black Shirts in Italy and and the SA thugs in Germany you turn on the convenient minority targets to suffer your wrath. And I wouldn't put nothing past the likes of you. I should know about racists I'm an older white male from the American south whose witnessed your likes my whole life Neanderthals who once paraded around in hoods and robes, but now look like average folk forever the toadies of people who wouldn't give you a drop of water if you were dying of thirst, but still incessantly racist to your last breath. People like you don't deserve to call yourself an American.

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So when he did this to a black woman, it was a racist thing?

But if he had done it to a white woman, it would be a not-racist thing.

But either way he is still a racist?

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So the only thing that makes this incident racist is the fact that he is white and she is black??

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Nope, it would just be crazy.

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News flash bonobobrain: people can do racist things AND not racist things and STILL be racist. Get it?

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Gawd I find this schlub tiresome

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Another fucking judge with a god complex.

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I hear ya. There's a tendency for a 'reflex reaction' to see everything as a racial incident. What I would say to this particular incident is that it's probably not an OVERT racial incident. I'll give you that. But there may be a covert element to it. It's sort of grey. Nothing clearcut. It's what I'd call a difference in culture or cultural BIASES that are involved. Now, what am going to say will sound a bit like I'm stereotyping, so bare with me lol.

I'm mixed blood. Part black, part asian (Think Tiger Woods. I only wished I was as rich as him, lol. ). My black relatives tend to be alot more "expressive" in public than most of the white friends & acquaintances I hang out with. The contrast is even more so when it comes to my Asian friends & relatives who are even more reserved. This laughing, crying, showing anger, i.e. public display of emotion isn't considered very cool. It's seen as embarrassing.

So I'm saying, ok, maybe it's not really straight out racism in this case. It's this judge's cultural inclinations and BIASES of what's embarassing or normal.

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No, I am not suggesting there is no racism in this country. There is racism in this country. I also have no interest in defending the right-wing media. Why don't you find some right-sided partisan to have your sissy fight with.

You say this is "potential" racism and that we have no idea if the judge is racist.... Ok, so then its not racism...

Your argument is literally that not-racism should be considered racism. Otherwise we would be "ignoring" and "keeping quite" about racism.....

Very interesting.

How about the idea of skin color not being the first thing we judge people by?

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Don't they have a bailiff or someone that they can send out in the halls to say "Hey, move along, it's too loud out here"?

I understand the need for a courtroom to be orderly, but you'd think that the most disorderly one around would not be the judge.

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I'm a lip reader, and I teach lipreading. This one is particularly bad, but so many gifs are like this - that's not what they're saying!!

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Yes, by all means, let's ignore any incidents with a potential racial element. Keeping quiet and minding your own business - that's the way to end the "real racism" (or make any meaningful change).

I have news. Making everything NOT about race - a preferred practice of the right - isn't the way to solve anything either. Find me one example anywhere where the right wing media ACTUALLY came down on the side that something was flagrantly racist against a person of color? It basically doesn't happen. Are you honestly suggesting that there is NO racism in this country and that racist incidents do not occur? Seems to me that the right wants to ignore, deflect, minimize, and de-escalate any potential charge of racism.

The fact is that if you are predisposed to no want a charge of racism to stick, you can justify just about anything and any incident. We've seen it far too often in the right wing media-sphere to not know how this plays out at this point.

Is this judge a racist? We have no idea without looking at his record. But an incident like this at least bears examination rather than ignorance. The "perfect" racist incident doesn't happen too often, especially in a public institution like this. But the data and the history of the criminal justice system lead any reasonable observer to at least ask the question rather than to simply blow it off because it's inconvenient to think about it.

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If there's one guy who deserves to have his dinner out interrupted by protesters, it's this guy. Annoyed by loud noises? We got some loud noises for ya....

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