That's one shit-eatin' ugly-ass mustache on the groom, also, too.

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Slave quarters.

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Well, darn, another delusion busted wide open. I thought that thing on Ann's shirt was a fish.

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Ah, the Columba Bush failure-to-declare episode. I remember it fondly, one of few bright moments in the life of Florida liberals (all three of us) since Lawton Chiles hung up his walkin' shoes. Good times!

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Imelda Marcos. Oh, wait, that was on shoes.

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I wonder what Fuckabee thinks about their parenting skills.Oh yeah, right. Its not like she was listening to Beyoncé.

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It's then that those lousesGo on to white spouses. Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

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Who the fuck "needs" this shit so bad they're willing to jeopardize their future due to ethics violations let alone pure stupidity - oh fuck it.

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Don't be fooled by the rocks that she got;Jeb's still, Jeb's still,

A chip off Poppy's block.

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Maybe you could help Poppy Bush with those new-fangled scanner deals they use.

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Actually, the messican wife is probably his best asset. Even as we speak, the GOP is busy persuading itself that this will be the scenario in 2016:

GOP Congress: Teh Latinos are all illegal! They are not Real Americans! They are stealing our jobz! And collecting welfare! Ban the parents! Send the kids to privately operated detention camps! Evil! Evil! We hates them, yesss, we hates them!

Hispanic Americans: Yeesh, that's creepy. Ima vote for that other one, the lady.

GOP: But! Columba! She is Mexican! Si!

Hispanic Americans: Well, OK, then!

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And then there's the time when Donald Trump explained to his then adolescent daughter that he was poorer than a homeless beggar encountered on the cold streets of NYC because he was in bankruptcy and owed his creditors $GAZILLIONS! Ahahahahaha! Hahahaha! Man that was a thigh-slapper.

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Story we heard out of Fla was that he was bonking her when she was the maid. Had to marry her, and now she's got a shopping addiction.Yup, that's what we need in the White House; another Bush failure and his grubby helpmeet. Those Bush boys just marry the best ladies, don't they? Here's Laura, who ran over her previous boyfriend and didn't serve a day of time for the killing. What were George I and Babs thinking when they raised these draft dodging kids?

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Not a fan of the Bushies, but I am also too a wee chica, and in her marriage pic, other than the very oppressive and depressing wedding dress, is rocking a cute little figure. Jeb however, total creeper. Ew.

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It's nothing to do with her being short, being short is usually cute. She's just plain fugly is all.

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First thing he did when he took over the White House, iirc.

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