Gee. Thanks. The drinking bleach thing is looking good.

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I am in desperate need of pants and shorts that fit! Women's clothes sizes are random and I need to actually try stuff on to see if it fits. I have no idea what "size" I am right now; I have some clothes I ordered online on the way and I can only hope they fit.

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Please Dawg, let us not shoot ourselves in our collective feet.

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I LOVED when late night hosts would say, “Santorum. Google it. I’ll wait...”

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The Iowa electorate is so serious and sophisticated, they elected Ernst based on her campaign’s clever promise to castrate those Democrats in Washington like she used to castrate pigs in Iowa.

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No, the one you want is the former Iowa senator Roger Jepsen who was nearly universally considered the dumbest man in Congress and served one term.

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Handicapping Iowa elections is a mug's game. When I moved there in 1976 the political wisdom was that the 2 eastern congressional districts would go Republican, the 2 western districts would go Democrat and the 2 middle ones would stay Democrat. The experts got it exactly backward. The state went from a Democratic governor and 2 of the most liberal senators to a moderate Republican governor and 2 of the most rightwing senators. I haven't lived in Iowa for a long time but the state's politics have deteriorated bigly.

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Thanks for bringing her to my attention. I'm happy to support her against Ernst.

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I'm impressed that you can remember a time before Geezer Grassley. Did dinosaurs roam the State back then?

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I read an article about how, I guess 30 years ago now, Republican strategists starting tapping people for local races. Especially school boards. This paid off with driving local politics rightward and providing the party with a lot of experienced people able to move up the political ranks.

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He was then a congresscritter, succeeding H.R. Gross, who famously wanted to run the government on no money at all. In his early Senate years he was known mostly as Gross Lite; I left Iowa before his evolution to troglodyte fascist, so I don't know how that happened.

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You read my mind!

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I hope she wins because Joni Ernst sucks, but I really wish Midwestern Dem politicians would knock it off with the "small town values" "Iowa values" Midwestern values" takes. It's a dogwhistle designed to reinforce the idea that people on the coasts aren't "real Americans."

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Just buffalo.

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Money and a taste for power is how it happened.

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Her opponent was named by The Hill as running the worst campaign in 2014. Didn't help at all that Braley was recorded telling a group of Texas trial lawyers that he'd have their back, and that he needed their support to help keep the Senate in Democratic hands or hick farmer Senator Grassley would be the next chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. If you're a lawyer, you don't endear yourself to Iowans by insulting farmers. Then there was his complaints about the neighbor's therapy chickens...

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