Fuck yeah! I was in a real dither over this one. I'm glad to see the good guys are NOT Nazis.

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Me too. I signed this one because it was so specific and directed at a particular media outlet. But I have really soured on online petitions overall because after signing so many of them, it seemed like nothing more than fundraising, and another way to get me on an email list that will be sold for more fundraising (not that there's anything wrong with fundraising, but bombarding me with email petitions is not the way to get my money). Every time I sign one, I end up on five more. I could spend all damn day just signing email petitions but I am not convinced they are effective. Just call your reps, people. It is much more terrifying to them and therefore much more worthwhile.

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Sam is a lot better then I am, if it was me I would have a team of lawyers reaming Cenovich and MSNBC into fucking hell!

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I ate turtle soup once at taste of Chicago. It was good, but I never ate it again because in the Spring I hold up traffic to save turtles.

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I'm sorry, the doctor says I cannot have any coffee, so I must be extra thick. What was your "initial comment" that contained "facts" that I am "misrepresenting"?

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Attention world: Please stop taking this Cernovich guy seriously. Thank you.

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I'm pretty sure another of his deluded followers is a guy who thinks we should shoot off a nuke or two to take care of some Whittle Pocket Man or something.

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If the person complaining is Mike "Mike Fuckwit Cernovich" Cernovich there's a conclusive presumption of bad faith applicable, even if the tweet is only eight minutes old.

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I signed and added a sternly worded personal message. I'm sure that's what got the job done in the suites of CableWorld.

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Would you believe eleven-dimensional peekaboo?

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MSNBC seems like they're willing to make Seder whole, so if they could both gang up on Cernovich.......

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It was a female gaming journalist trying to do her g-d job. The cover line was "ethics in gaming journalism" when the actual weaponized payload was just plain ol'-fashioned sexism.

Quelle surprise.

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Well the man did almost die.....

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Your post sent me off to Wikipedia to read the entry on Cernovich and I'm shocked. Not because his mother suffered from mental illness but that he's living off a "seven-figure settlement" he got when he divorced his first wife, who MADE THE MONEY HERSELF in Silicon Valley. All that vitriol about women, but he's happy to take someone to the cleaners that he once professed to love?! He's even more of a hypocrite than I thought.

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As an example, Joe Scarborough said this morning that he and Mika Brzezinski have now had in "involve law enforcement" over threats they've been receiving from Trump supporters, apparently related to the suggestion Trump tweeted last week that Scarborough was involved in a murder.

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Didn't Cernovich get charged with sexual assault in 2003 and then pled down? He would doing community service for SOMETHING.

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