That MTG lede image must have been her entry into this year's Most Punchable Face contest. Her entry, though obviously strong, is a 'dark horse,' compared to known powerhouses like J DiVans, and "Ted" Cruz. And there's always the famous sprinter, "Josh" Hawley....
Come on, Marge. Your party controls the House of Representatives. You should have no problem getting one of the nimrods with a gavel to hold a big, splashy public hearing.
What else do you guys have to do since you don't have Hunter to shit on anymore?
I saw from some of the comments that I'm not the only person who watched all 9 minutes of Joseph Okechukwu's anti-masturbation video. But, I believe I'm the only one who was impressed by his brilliance in the science of causality. As I watched, I realized that Okechukwu reminded me of the last time I heard such genius regarding cause and effect...the Underpants Gnomes! Okechukwu's equation is:
Stop masturbating ➡️ ❓➡️ Prosperity ‼
The man is a profit prophet!! He didn't ask for alms, but I betcha he's got a crypto wallet I can donate to!! 🤪🤣
Expect more of this shit to happen, what with the collapse of local journalism. Billionaire conservative activists are putting money into it, so I hear, so future disinformation will only become more credible.
California has been trying to draft a revenue-sharing bill for the tech companies that profit off third-party news to help subsidize it's generation, but lobbying from Google seems to have watered it down to nothing. It's a way underreported issue, anyone interested should try to raise awareness. And ya know, California doesn't HAVE to lead the nation in stuff like this, other states can give it a go, too!
No, obviously the imaginary whistleblower was taken out behind an imaginary building site and shot with imaginary bullets by imaginary FBI agents, his imaginary body was placed in an imaginary hole which was then filled with imaginary concrete. His imaginary body will never be found.
Smaller lectern (the desk you stand behind)? Or smaller podium (aka "something to stand on")? CNN neatly sidestepped this pedantic conundrum by showing Trump and Harris on a split screen.
Oh! Snap! 👏💯 As an old debater, that is one of my biggest pet peeves! I never once stood behind a podium or on a lectern! I have been known to scream at people "no, dammit, a podium is what you put your pods on!!" And, don't even get me started on less and fewer!!
Even, or maybe even especially, MTG must know that debaters don’t “answer” moderator questions, they use them as springboards for their prepared talking points. Harris was prepared in advance, yes, by her debate prep team, and like a good appellate lawyer she knows how to work the strategy into answers to any question. I was an appellate lawyer for several years, and this is what you are trained to do.
Debunking one part of your own conspiracy theory projection in order to lend credence to the rest of it is a critical thinking technique that it's going to take a while for me to get my head around...
I hear that Donald Trump may have been given a larger podium than Harris's, and a lower spot to stand on, how is this even fair.
Ta, Robyn. So, is the ABC Pennywhistleblower going to steal Republicans' time crafting a budget. I kid, of course. Donnie wanna shutdown.
That MTG lede image must have been her entry into this year's Most Punchable Face contest. Her entry, though obviously strong, is a 'dark horse,' compared to known powerhouses like J DiVans, and "Ted" Cruz. And there's always the famous sprinter, "Josh" Hawley....
Come on, Marge. Your party controls the House of Representatives. You should have no problem getting one of the nimrods with a gavel to hold a big, splashy public hearing.
What else do you guys have to do since you don't have Hunter to shit on anymore?
I saw from some of the comments that I'm not the only person who watched all 9 minutes of Joseph Okechukwu's anti-masturbation video. But, I believe I'm the only one who was impressed by his brilliance in the science of causality. As I watched, I realized that Okechukwu reminded me of the last time I heard such genius regarding cause and effect...the Underpants Gnomes! Okechukwu's equation is:
Stop masturbating ➡️ ❓➡️ Prosperity ‼
The man is a profit prophet!! He didn't ask for alms, but I betcha he's got a crypto wallet I can donate to!! 🤪🤣
Expect more of this shit to happen, what with the collapse of local journalism. Billionaire conservative activists are putting money into it, so I hear, so future disinformation will only become more credible.
California has been trying to draft a revenue-sharing bill for the tech companies that profit off third-party news to help subsidize it's generation, but lobbying from Google seems to have watered it down to nothing. It's a way underreported issue, anyone interested should try to raise awareness. And ya know, California doesn't HAVE to lead the nation in stuff like this, other states can give it a go, too!
He's 6'3" just like he's 215 lbs. Even the MOST BASIC shit about this guy are lies, with little to no pushback from the "liberal media"
But that's his real actual skin tone!
For's been a LONG time since I sat down with the big box of crayons, but I do remember a color called "Burnt Orange"
So they're admitting that Donold did a bad job at the debate?
no no, he still won, everyone one is saying so. but also it was rigged against him you see
Big if true...
No, obviously the imaginary whistleblower was taken out behind an imaginary building site and shot with imaginary bullets by imaginary FBI agents, his imaginary body was placed in an imaginary hole which was then filled with imaginary concrete. His imaginary body will never be found.
Smaller lectern (the desk you stand behind)? Or smaller podium (aka "something to stand on")? CNN neatly sidestepped this pedantic conundrum by showing Trump and Harris on a split screen.
Oh! Snap! 👏💯 As an old debater, that is one of my biggest pet peeves! I never once stood behind a podium or on a lectern! I have been known to scream at people "no, dammit, a podium is what you put your pods on!!" And, don't even get me started on less and fewer!!
Talk about being daised and confused!
Or who and that.
If there was no whistleblower -- alive or dead -- how did Kamala Harris seemingly know what would be asked?
A) she was given the answer sheet
B) she's smart
C) Obama's time machine
D) she's a witch
does she weigh as much as a duck?
“C” AND “D” (it’s just obvious.)
no love for "B"?
Well, smart enough to use a Time Machine, those things are notoriously hinky! (Assume she was trained in witchcraft from birth.)
Obviously C & D, Pffft.....
Even, or maybe even especially, MTG must know that debaters don’t “answer” moderator questions, they use them as springboards for their prepared talking points. Harris was prepared in advance, yes, by her debate prep team, and like a good appellate lawyer she knows how to work the strategy into answers to any question. I was an appellate lawyer for several years, and this is what you are trained to do.
I'm not sure why someone from the Harris campaign didn't request that Trump take the 3-4 inch lifts out of his shoes.
I noticed when he got presented a Tesla, his shoes were abnormally long. Came to a point, probably an easy 6" beyond his toes. Clown skis.
Debunking one part of your own conspiracy theory projection in order to lend credence to the rest of it is a critical thinking technique that it's going to take a while for me to get my head around...
Ok, got it.
"OK, I'll admit that children's FACES are not where you harvest adrenochrome. That PROVES the lizard-people part is true."
There ya go.
Doesn't this call for another waste of time and money hearing by Gym Jordan?