Washingtonienne? (sp?)

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We send Wonkette money when we can. We do not, nor have we ever done, 'social media'. Period.

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another societal error

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Lori has them.

Go find her.

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#6 - I can also save them easily for future reference or copy/paste bits to share (& then link).

An extra thing: straight text is MUCH easier for many with ADD, hearing impairment (since these videos never have transcripts and most don't have closed captions), visual impairment, etc.

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You are right, this is sickening. Thank you for the link, I missed it when it was published.

I don't have time now, but I could easily go into my "investors" rant.

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I'm a proud, dues-payin' member of NABET/CWA, ya melon farmers!

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I will always love him, although he scared me when I saw him. He’s very energetic.

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Also, turns out, there are popular reality shows and unpopular reality shows, and the popular ones are the ones with the best writers, I mean "editors" and "producers"

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It is a scam, that's for sure

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It is a giant pain in the ass to get these from mortgagees, even though they can generate one with a few keystrokes. Hate Mr. Cooper. Hate Wells Fargo more, tho.

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True. For me, homes are rocketing in value in my area and Texas loosened up home equity lending last year. I'm also watching the amount of credit card debt increasing. I wouldn't be buying stocks on margin right now.

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Get the Punkin Chunkin Crew on that!

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I will never get over this: https://www.vox.com/new-mon...

Even when management tries to do the right thing (since the raises were actually addressing the fact that they were paid less than the industry average this was really a case of "quit doing the very wrong thing"), they'll get punished by investors. It's sick.

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Some of us don't have a next generation to worry about, but reverse mortgages are still a shitty deal, for this reason: As soon as you move out of the house--not sell it, just move out of it, to go to a nursing home or whatever--you have to pay back every penny. If you can't, they sell the house and keep the money.

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Tuckpointing is only something you have to worry about if you have a brick house. It means repairing the mortar that cracks or crumbles between bricks. If you want more information, consult Uncle Google, but be prepared for days of ads about tuckpointing and home improvement in general.

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